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 3.3 moderation email

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
suhern Posted - 11 August 2001 : 13:08:32
Is it possible for the admin/moderator to be notified by email when there is topic for moderation - for forum with moderation turn on.

Please help

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ruirib Posted - 08 December 2011 : 21:00:46
If you have subscriptions enabled, that already happens and has been for long... surely since before 2007.
BlessedMom320 Posted - 06 December 2011 : 15:27:02
Moderator email notification of new postings waiting for approval. The last post for this topic was 2007. It is now 2011 and I was just wondering if this feature is going to be added.
endomorph Posted - 30 March 2007 : 15:47:41
Isn't this in the most recent version ?

I thought that when someone posts in a forum where moderation is turned one, the moderators get an email saying there is a post ?

Or am I crazy ?<
kwoods Posted - 11 October 2004 : 10:18:24
3.3 moderation email

I am looking for the same thing for version 3.4...

I have included the code, but am not able to get it to work.

Is it necessary to turn on forum subscription for this?
I currently have it off and wasn't planning on turning it on for all users.

If anyone could help with this, it would be appreciated!

corkadmin Posted - 20 February 2002 : 17:08:21
Has anyone tested this?

OK. Try this. *** DISCLAIMER *** this has NOT been tested AT all. Debug at your own risk.....

In post_info.asp, look for(line 695 in v3.3.03):

ProcessSubscriptions rs("Member_ID"), Cat_ID, Forum_ID, NewTopicID

add the following two lines right after:

NotifyModerators rs("Member_ID"), Cat_ID, Forum_ID, NewTopicID

Then look for (line 805 in v3.3.03):
ProcessSubscriptions rs("Member_ID"), Cat_ID, Forum_ID, Topic_ID

add the following two lines right after:

NotifyModerators rs("Member_ID"), Cat_ID, Forum_ID, NewTopicID

Add the following code to the end of inc_subscriptions:

sub NotifyModerators(MemberId, ForumId, TopicId)
' -- If email is not turned on, exit
if strEmail = 0 then
exit sub
end if

' -- Get the topic title and Author nam
strSql = "SELECT T.T_SUBJECT, M.M_NAME FROM " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS T, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS M " &_
" WHERE T.TOPIC_ID = " & TopicId & " " &_
" AND M.MEMBER_ID = " & MemberID

Set rsSub = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSql, my_Conn
if rsSub.EOF or rsSub.BOF then
TopicName = ""
MemberName = ""
Exit Sub
TopicName = rsSub("T_SUBJECT")
MemberName = rsSub("M_NAME")
end if
set rsSub = Nothing

'## Emails all users who wish to receive a mail if a topic or reply has been made. This sub will
'## check for subscriptions based on the topic, forum, category and across the board. It will
'## ignore the posting member.
strSql = "SELECT M.Member_ID, " & _
"M.M_NAME, M.M_EMAIL " & _
" FROM " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS M" & _
", " & strTablePrefix & "MODERATOR FM" &_
" WHERE M.Member_ID = FM.Member_ID" & _
" AND FM.FORUM_ID = " & Forum_ID

Set rsLoop = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSql, my_Conn
do while (not rsLoop.EOF) and (not rsLoop.BOF)
strRecipientsName = rsLoop("M_Name")
strRecipients = rsLoop("M_EMAIL")
strMessage = "Hello " & rsLoop("M_NAME") & vbNewline & vbNewline
strSubject = strForumTitle & " - Posting needs validated"
strMessage = strMessage & " A posting has been made to " & strForumTitle & " which needs approved. "
strMessage = strMessage & "Regarding the subject - " & TopicName & "." & vbNewline & vbNewline
strMessage = strMessage & "You can view the posting at " & strForumURL & "link.asp?TOPIC_ID=" & TopicId & vbNewline
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_mail.asp" -->
set rsLoop = nothing
end sub

Like I said, this has NOT been tested, but should be OK. This will notify EVERY moderator regardless of whether they want to be notified or not.....

Dave Maxwell
Proud to be a "World Class" Knucklehead

Sic Parvis Magnum - Small Things Have Great Beginnings<
davemaxwell Posted - 21 August 2001 : 12:13:31
OK. Try this. *** DISCLAIMER *** this has NOT been tested AT all. Debug at your own risk.....

In post_info.asp, look for(line 695 in v3.3.03):

ProcessSubscriptions rs("Member_ID"), Cat_ID, Forum_ID, NewTopicID

add the following two lines right after:

NotifyModerators rs("Member_ID"), Cat_ID, Forum_ID, NewTopicID

Then look for (line 805 in v3.3.03):
ProcessSubscriptions rs("Member_ID"), Cat_ID, Forum_ID, Topic_ID

add the following two lines right after:

NotifyModerators rs("Member_ID"), Cat_ID, Forum_ID, NewTopicID

Add the following code to the end of inc_subscriptions:

sub NotifyModerators(MemberId, ForumId, TopicId)
' -- If email is not turned on, exit
if strEmail = 0 then
exit sub
end if

' -- Get the topic title and Author nam
strSql = "SELECT T.T_SUBJECT, M.M_NAME FROM " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS T, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS M " &_
" WHERE T.TOPIC_ID = " & TopicId & " " &_
" AND M.MEMBER_ID = " & MemberID

Set rsSub = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSql, my_Conn
if rsSub.EOF or rsSub.BOF then
TopicName = ""
MemberName = ""
Exit Sub
TopicName = rsSub("T_SUBJECT")
MemberName = rsSub("M_NAME")
end if
set rsSub = Nothing

'## Emails all users who wish to receive a mail if a topic or reply has been made. This sub will
'## check for subscriptions based on the topic, forum, category and across the board. It will
'## ignore the posting member.
strSql = "SELECT M.Member_ID, " & _
"M.M_NAME, M.M_EMAIL " & _
" FROM " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS M" & _
", " & strTablePrefix & "MODERATOR FM" &_
" WHERE M.Member_ID = FM.Member_ID" & _
" AND FM.FORUM_ID = " & Forum_ID

Set rsLoop = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSql, my_Conn
do while (not rsLoop.EOF) and (not rsLoop.BOF)
strRecipientsName = rsLoop("M_Name")
strRecipients = rsLoop("M_EMAIL")
strMessage = "Hello " & rsLoop("M_NAME") & vbNewline & vbNewline
strSubject = strForumTitle & " - Posting needs validated"
strMessage = strMessage & " A posting has been made to " & strForumTitle & " which needs approved. "
strMessage = strMessage & "Regarding the subject - " & TopicName & "." & vbNewline & vbNewline
strMessage = strMessage & "You can view the posting at " & strForumURL & "link.asp?TOPIC_ID=" & TopicId & vbNewline
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_mail.asp" -->
set rsLoop = nothing
end sub

Like I said, this has NOT been tested, but should be OK. This will notify EVERY moderator regardless of whether they want to be notified or not.....

Dave Maxwell
Proud to be a "World Class" Knucklehead<
bdinicola Posted - 21 August 2001 : 10:28:58

Just need to ask whether this feature is in the pipeline? Or is there anyone who can help to build this feature. It would certainly give new meaning to this moderation feature and make it much more useful.

PLEASE SOMEONE! This would be SO useful to those of us in academia. We need to do a lot of moderation and not being able to REALLY moderate a group is starting to cause a lot problems for me.

On the other hand... suddenly being jobless might give me time to write some MODs for Snitz...

suhern Posted - 13 August 2001 : 12:29:08

Ah, you didn't tell me you had moderation enabled. That's another problem. Right now, the capability is NOT there.....

Dave Maxwell
Proud to be a "World Class" Knucklehead

Thanks for ur speedy reply. Just need to ask whether this feature is in the pipeline? Or is there anyone who can help to build this feature. It would certainly give new meaning to this moderation feature and make it much more useful.

davemaxwell Posted - 13 August 2001 : 12:21:40
Ah, you didn't tell me you had moderation enabled. That's another problem. Right now, the capability is NOT there.....

Dave Maxwell
Proud to be a "World Class" Knucklehead<
suhern Posted - 13 August 2001 : 10:16:17

Yes. All you need to do is turn subscriptions on.

Dave Maxwell
Proud to be a "World Class" Knucklehead

I afraid it does not work as suggested by you. The moderator who has subscribed to the forum only get emailed after the post has been approved. I turen on all the subscriptions. Please advice.. and thanks

davemaxwell Posted - 13 August 2001 : 07:45:55
Yes. All you need to do is turn subscriptions on.

Dave Maxwell
Proud to be a "World Class" Knucklehead<

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