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T O P I C    R E V I E W
q Posted - 03 July 2001 : 16:28:28
Is there a way to send email alerts to all the members of any given forum whenever a message is posted to that forum? Or is this a suggestion.......

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Carefree Posted - 14 August 2013 : 20:51:06
It's a record not easily broken (at least not here in Snitz, since all the posts prior to August 2000 were lost when host servers were changed to the USA). Can make one 13 years old (this month) but that's the limit.
ruirib Posted - 14 August 2013 : 18:21:13
Originally posted by Webbo

12 years for a thread resurection - is this some sort of record ?

Webbo Posted - 14 August 2013 : 16:55:17
12 years for a thread resurection - is this some sort of record ?
HuwR Posted - 14 August 2013 : 08:42:11
yes it is part of subscriptions, although it is up to a user to subscribe once subscriptions are enabled.
joseoprc Posted - 14 August 2013 : 08:35:04
is this email alert function already in place?
q Posted - 05 July 2001 : 15:12:17
Thanks David, Any Idea how far away that release is?

davemaxwell Posted - 05 July 2001 : 07:55:41
That sounds like subscription capability, which will be available in the next release....

Dave Maxwell
Proud to be a "World Class" Knucklehead<

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