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 migrating from snitz to modern forum software ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sschaer Posted - 31 January 2024 : 17:47:40

is there any way to migrate a snitz forum into a newer more modern forum ? if yes, which software and how ?

thanks in advance !

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
HuwR Posted - 09 April 2024 : 17:45:43
.NET core version now running on my forum, hopefully it will be ready for a full release soon
HuwR Posted - 17 February 2024 : 15:32:58
This is the latest iteration of the code

I am hoping to get it released during the summer. It is fully compatible with the classic ASP and this version of the Forums.
HuwR Posted - 01 February 2024 : 08:01:49
what exactly do you mean by more modern? the current version uses Microsoft .Net and I am currently working on a .Net Core 7 version

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