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 CDOSYS mail config issues

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snowbird30ds Posted - 12 October 2020 : 14:41:57
I can't get aspmail to work anymore with ionos servers so been trying cdosys, I have successfully used the following test script but just can't get snitz to play ball, what do I need to add to inc_mail.asp?
CONST SMTPSendUsing = 2 ' Send using Port (SMTP over the network)
CONST SMTPServer = ""
CONST SMTPServerPort = 587
CONST SMTPConnectionTimeout = 10 'seconds
CONST SMTPPassword = "xxxxXXXxxxx"

dim sSubject, sEmail, sMailBody, sFrom, sReadReceipt, sMsg
sSubject = "Test"
sEmail = ""
sMailBody = "This is a test message. wibble"
sFrom = ""
sReadReceipt = true
sMsg = ""

On Error Resume Next

dim oMail, oConfig, oConfigFields
set oMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
set oConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
set oConfigFields = oConfig.Fields

with oConfigFields
.Item("") = SMTPSendUsing
.Item("") = SMTPServer
.Item("") = SMTPServerPort
.Item("") = 1
.Item("") = SMTPUser
.Item("") = SMTPPassword
end with
oMail.Configuration = oConfig

oMail.Subject = sSubject
oMail.From = sFrom
oMail.To = sEmail
oMail.HTMLBody = sMailBody

set oMail=nothing

sMsg = "Message Sent"

if Err.Number > 0 then sMsg = "ERROR: " & Err.Description

Response.Write sMsg

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
HuwR Posted - 14 October 2020 : 20:00:02
not sure then, I would expect it to be a problem the other way round to be honest
snowbird30ds Posted - 14 October 2020 : 17:17:49
Still sends ok member to member but no registration emails.
HuwR Posted - 13 October 2020 : 19:43:51
OK, it should support setting sender, so try this, after the code below in the cdosys part of inc_mail

		objNewMail.To = strRecipients
		objNewMail.From = strSender
		objNewMail.Subject = strSubject
		objNewMail.TextBody = strMessage

insert the following line immediately below it and before the send command.
HuwR Posted - 13 October 2020 : 17:02:11
The none delivery is because the sender needs to be a valid address on the mail server, by default I think it sets the from address which is different. I will check if that can be set differently for cdosys.

Not sure why your other settings don't appear.
snowbird30ds Posted - 13 October 2020 : 12:34:37
Thanks Huw.
It will send email now between members but the registration emails are not coming through either to admin or to the new member when approved, email settings as below.
Any idea what I'm missing?

Also the last two boxes always show as empty even though I fill them when I update configuration, is that normal?
HuwR Posted - 13 October 2020 : 07:53:27
in inc_mail.asp look for the case "cdosys" section. you need to change this part

	        'Set and update fields properties
        	Flds("") = 2 'cdoSendUsingPort
	        Flds("") = strMailServer
			'Flds("") = cdoBasic
			'Flds("") = "username"
			'Flds("") = "password"

Try changing it to

        	Flds("") = 2 
	        Flds("") = strMailServer
			Flds("") = 587
			Flds("") = 1
			Flds("") = YOUR MAIL USER

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