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 time adjust

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Japaro Posted - 31 October 2002 : 22:55:04
How could we adjust time in incremental of 1/2hr, my system is 1/2hr different with the forum time.<
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shaggy Posted - 13 July 2009 : 05:26:13
Originally posted by geoffh
The chkSelect function failed when dealing with fractional numbers, since it was converting numeric values to long integers, thus truncating time adjustments which are fractions of an hour.

I can't think of any reason why converting both arguments to strings in the chkSelect function should cause problems elsewhere.
You could use csng or cdbl instead of clng.

geoffh Posted - 12 July 2009 : 05:34:54
I too needed to set a time zone difference at a 1/2 hour boundary.
The following mod seems to work.

1. In admin_config_datetime.asp, I changed

for iTimeAdjust = -24 to 24

for iTimeAdjust = -23 to 23 step 0.5

2. In inc_function_common.asp, I changed the chkSelect function from:

function chkSelect(actualValue, thisValue)
	if isNumeric(actualValue) then actualValue = cLng(actualValue)
	if actualValue = thisValue then
	        chkSelect = " selected"
		chkSelect = ""
	end if
end function


function chkSelect(actualValue, thisValue)
	if cStr(actualValue) = cStr(thisValue) then
		chkSelect = " selected"
		chkSelect = ""
	end if
end function

The chkSelect function failed when dealing with fractional numbers, since it was converting numeric values to long integers, thus truncating time adjustments which are fractions of an hour.

I can't think of any reason why converting both arguments to strings in the chkSelect function should cause problems elsewhere.

ruirib Posted - 08 June 2003 : 14:32:14
No, I don't think anyone did.<
Ursus Posted - 08 June 2003 : 08:40:57
As a new user in South Australia, where the time zone is UTC - 9:30, it'd be interesting to know if anyone came up with a solution to this?

(I tried a search, honest) <
laser Posted - 01 November 2002 : 15:30:58
Central Australia is also a half-hour. Play around with the value for strTimeAdjust in the FORUM_CONFIG_NEW table and see what you can do.<
Rasco Posted - 01 November 2002 : 10:32:29
AFAIK, there are some places with 1/2 hour off like Newfoundland/Canada.
Mayeb, Snitz should take that into account.<
davemaxwell Posted - 01 November 2002 : 08:14:08
How is it a 1/2 hour off? I thought all time zone dividers were on the hour?<

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