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 Firefox 3.5 released

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Shaggy Posted - 30 June 2009 : 11:47:26


7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bobby131313 Posted - 01 July 2009 : 15:13:38
AnonJr Posted - 01 July 2009 : 14:52:32
Yay... another browser to test...
Davio Posted - 01 July 2009 : 14:49:15
Originally posted by bobby131313

Evidently it now prefetches DNS in the background for all links on a page, so it's ready roll before you click.

Prefetches DNS? Please explain. I have heard of prefetching pages, but DNS? Not sure how that speeds up loading of pages of a website.
bobby131313 Posted - 01 July 2009 : 10:27:03
Evidently it now prefetches DNS in the background for all links on a page, so it's ready roll before you click.
ruirib Posted - 01 July 2009 : 07:17:35
This is the first Firefox version that I feel compelled to use. It loads pages way faster than IE. I only miss IE accelerators, but this is a really slick browser.
Davio Posted - 01 July 2009 : 07:02:08
It loads web pages pretty fast. Much faster than previous versions. Vewy nice.
SiSL Posted - 30 June 2009 : 11:56:30
I can't believe ignorance of some people really...

I've given links of Firefox around 10 hours ago to direct release directory on my site, when Mozilla first pushed it to FTP Servers and some still say "omg, you are lying, it is not Firefox 3.5, it is RC3" etc... Idiots have no idea, what they see when they install (first run page) is a webpage and does not mean anything to software version. Mozilla obviously decided RC3 is enough and pushed RC3 directly to release with same built date.

Some people's "I know it better than thou" attitude kills me...

Okay, wanted to rant about some people :P

Enjoy new browser... at least it is catching IE7 cool-start speed now (that's without plugins ofcourse) :)

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