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 Any graphical experts here?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MarkJH Posted - 13 December 2008 : 14:28:19
I've got a couple of images that need to be lengthened, retaining their transparency etc. They're just container images which are breaking if there is too much text inside.

Anybody here who knows their way around Photoshop would be willing to help me with these? Let me know and I'll email you the images.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MarkJH Posted - 14 December 2008 : 19:27:16
This is the way it's been programmed and I'm not going to change it. I'm only asking for somebody with a bit more graphical experience than me to help me increase the length of an image, to which Panhandler has kindly offered. Thanks for the suggestions but that's really all I'm looking for! <
JJenson Posted - 14 December 2008 : 19:15:53
WHy don't you just take a horizontal slice and have that repeat from top down. Then have the bottom connect at the end?<
MarkJH Posted - 14 December 2008 : 18:39:43
It's a container box that is breaking if the contents are too large. I just need the image that reaches from the bottom upwards to be increased in length.

You can see from the screenshot where it's breaking.<
HuwR Posted - 14 December 2008 : 07:55:41
how are you using them ? if done correctly you shouldn't ever need a transparent image larger than 1x1<
MarkJH Posted - 14 December 2008 : 06:56:38
Cheers, I've sent you mail. <
Panhandler Posted - 13 December 2008 : 20:43:29
No problem. . .send them to me.

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