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 IE8 Beta 2 is out

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SiSL Posted - 27 August 2008 : 17:27:19
For those interested :)
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
weeweeslap Posted - 01 September 2008 : 22:28:08
I installed this and I was not able to connect to anything. I had to do a system restore to restore to a point where I had ie7. 've had this problem with firefox 3 as well. I installed it and it wont connect to the internet. I checked my router / firewall, reset it, everything and nothing. This is a vista laptop. Any wild ideas of what could be the problem?<
HuwR Posted - 30 August 2008 : 13:19:03
doesn't matter what is causing it, it is a serious BUG that they really should have fixed.<
SiSL Posted - 30 August 2008 : 10:51:31
I wonder if it is related to multi-threading HuWR<
HuwR Posted - 29 August 2008 : 09:28:28
Originally posted by HuwR

yippee, they have fixed the session problem that broke my Web Applications

spoke to soon, the session bug is actually worse than it was in beta 1. In beta 1 you could get around it by making popups open in a tab rather than a new window, but now any attempt to spawn a new tab or window results in a new session aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!<
TSAloha Posted - 28 August 2008 : 13:34:56
Downloaded last night and it is very cool - esp. for me it shows a good performance improvement on my XP pro.

Yeap, I noticed the same with DotNetRC1.. and also with some blogs that I created but it is nice to have IE7 compatibility check - it self-correct rendering problems. Pretty cool.<
HuwR Posted - 28 August 2008 : 13:25:19
it still has a few CSS issues though, the Snitz dotnet site which works fine in IE7,FF and Opera has a couple of layout issues with IE8 beta 2, it is however very good at working out that it may have issues as websites that have problems normally result in an extra button appearing after the url box which allows you to turn quirks mode on (IE7 browsing) this generally fixes the issues. (and it does only appear on sites with problems in IE8, well cool)<
HuwR Posted - 28 August 2008 : 12:57:06
you don't need it to, you can set IE8 to behave like IE7

The Dev tools are built in.<
MarkJH Posted - 28 August 2008 : 12:01:42
Can it run alongside IE7?<
ruirib Posted - 28 August 2008 : 11:26:45
They are accessible through a menu or keyboard shortcut. I think they are built-in, haven't downloaded anything separately.<
AnonJr Posted - 28 August 2008 : 11:23:53
So the Developer Tools are built-in now? (as opposed to being a seperate download)<
ruirib Posted - 28 August 2008 : 11:13:30
It looks quite an improvement. It's definitely more stable than the previous beta and there are some features that look really great. Developer Tools allows you to "dissect" a web according to several views and may be great to debug stuff you've done on your pages. Accelerators also look interesting, specially when more accelerators are added. I've used the translation one and it sure beats opening a new tab to visit babelfish.... The tab grouping feature is also very neat.

It's probably the best IE release for many years!<
HuwR Posted - 28 August 2008 : 07:42:27
yippee, they have fixed the session problem that broke my Web Applications <
HuwR Posted - 28 August 2008 : 06:34:18
Originally posted by phy1729

What percent for Acid3?

not much better than IE7.<
phy1729 Posted - 27 August 2008 : 23:29:37
What percent for Acid3?<
SiSL Posted - 27 August 2008 : 19:22:19
My first impressions: Impressive

Cold start is like lightspeed. Coloring of tabs opened from same site and ability to close them all at once is something I was looking for. CPU and MEM usage impressive compared to rivals. Passes Acid2 for sure this time, fixed many bugs previously was on in Beta 1.<

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