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 Need Help Installing Email on Snitz Forum

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Karen Turner Posted - 08 May 2013 : 10:03:08
I have recently moved my websites to a new hosting provider (GoDaddy). The Snitz message board is up and running good on the new server. I now need to address setting up the email component.

I have some skills in HTML, etc but don't think I have enough knowledge to set up the email. Would Snitz do this for a fee?

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Karen Turner Posted - 11 May 2013 : 11:27:39
I will try these settings and do some testing and let everyone know the progress...

AnonJr Posted - 10 May 2013 : 15:48:24
Most hosting providers have a help page somewhere outlining the email components available, and where to find the information you need to set something like this up.

As far as not being received, I'd check a couple of addresses on different service providers before I declared email "not sent"... I've been burnt by a (at the time) large email provider blocking all outgoing mail by my hosting service. Everyone else got it fine.
Carefree Posted - 10 May 2013 : 14:09:56
Select E-mail Component: ASPEmail (or any from the list)
E-Mail Server Address:
Administrator Email Address:
Note: This is assuming you've created an EMail account called "administrator" in your EMail function on GoDaddy.

You don't have to install anything to make it work, if the component didn't exist, it will not display in the choices.
Karen Turner Posted - 10 May 2013 : 11:28:09
Still not understanding what I should do. The SMTP setting is "" but where do I put that information? The email address field should have my email address, like This is what GoDaddy gave me.

Do I select ASPEmail in the Admin options under email configuration?

So I don't have to install any components on the server?

I tried entering what I thought should be there. It appears to be sent out but no email is received to who I am sending it to...

Any help greatly appreciated!
Carefree Posted - 08 May 2013 : 21:44:48
Any of the available EMail components should work. The EMail handler will detect which you choose and act accordingly. The rest is correct and yes, it should be that simple.
Karen Turner Posted - 08 May 2013 : 18:26:55
Ok. Looked up the SMTP setting and it is ""

Now on the Snitz forum side, where do I put this?

Under Admin options-->Email Configuration???

And do I select ASPEmail?

So I don't have to install any components on the server?

Carefree Posted - 08 May 2013 : 11:53:04
Karen, you need to login to your GoDaddy account and then go to Domain Management. Once there, look for "DNS Manager". Look for the SMTP setting, it'll be something like this: "".

Over on the right side of the Domain Management page, you'll see a link to your EMail accounts. There you should at least set up an "Administrator" account.

Once that's done, login to your forum admin console and put those values in your mail server settings.

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