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Glencali Posted - 23 March 2022 : 12:59:38
Hey guys I have a new business where I make websites, optimize them for SEO, and then rent them out to contractors for a flat monthly rate. Check out my latest one at
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Etymon Posted - 07 April 2022 : 22:13:07

I use the Classic ASP style of the forums. There are a few of us still around who use it.
HuwR Posted - 03 April 2022 : 09:11:37
I only really deal with the forum and host the site, but will see if I can work out how to add you.
Glencali Posted - 31 March 2022 : 13:23:49
I'm working on adding one as we speak! It's a lot of work! I donated to the site a while ago and was wondering if you knew If I could be added to the donations page? I haven't heard from anyone after it said to contact someone if I wasn't listed
Etymon Posted - 26 March 2022 : 21:23:55
Does it have a forum?

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