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 Snitz PDA Version of Forum?

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OldMatador Posted - 09 February 2007 : 18:38:25
I've been looking all over for this type of Mod, because it would be useful for visitors to my site to have a PDA Version of the site available. Is there any code out there that allows this?<
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AnonJr Posted - 15 February 2007 : 09:53:23
A while ago someone else had started a PDA version of Snitz. I don't think they ever really released the code thought... A search for "Pocket PC" should turn it up. You may have to look in the archives though, since I can't rightly remember when it was posted. HTH<
OldMatador Posted - 15 February 2007 : 09:30:52
I'm trying to code a mobile version. I can view the site on my Treo 700wx, but I kinda want a cleaner look. vBulletin had a decent PDA Template of their BB code.<
HuwR Posted - 13 February 2007 : 14:22:28
the overhead is mainly in terms of coding since you can't use the same code/templates for both normal browsers and PDA browsers, admittedly there isn't much, but when you have a lot of files it can still be a big headache to ensure they are all in sync, the positive side is that you don't really need to duplicate all pages to use the forum on a mobile device, it only needs a subset of pages like a mobile version of active.asp plus a post page, it doesn't need all the other pages really.<
pdrg Posted - 13 February 2007 : 11:34:22
May as well, the server overhead is negligible (in theory at least) and means it should work seamlessly with the downstream browsers!<
HuwR Posted - 13 February 2007 : 08:19:42
Originally posted by pdrg

Actually, there's .NET version in the pipes - I don't know if it uses the mobile versions of all the controls, but if not, a quick replace of a few controls may give you a better feel on downstream mobile browsers (the .NET mobile controls are smart in that they render fancy HTML to devices that can cope, or WML to those that can't)

Better still would be a mobile-specific (limited functionality) version, a bit like comparing with, if you were feeling creative ;)

No it doesn't use the mobile controls, but it should be easy to accomplish with a new set of templates.<
pdrg Posted - 13 February 2007 : 07:58:17
Actually, there's .NET version in the pipes - I don't know if it uses the mobile versions of all the controls, but if not, a quick replace of a few controls may give you a better feel on downstream mobile browsers (the .NET mobile controls are smart in that they render fancy HTML to devices that can cope, or WML to those that can't)

Better still would be a mobile-specific (limited functionality) version, a bit like comparing with, if you were feeling creative ;)<
dayve Posted - 12 February 2007 : 16:00:43
Snitz forums view fine on my windows mobile device (T-mobile Dash). In fact I am viewing/replying to this thread on my Dash.<
pdrg Posted - 10 February 2007 : 10:04:27
I don't believe there is at the moment - it would take a rethink to make it small-screen-friendly, but I agree it's a good idea - I don't suppose you fancy making one?<

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