I am trying to find the correct code that will send me an alert via email when a new member registers in the forum.
I was sent the following code, inserted in the the place specified, saved it and then uploaded it, but it doesn't work.
################################### Administrator Notification Mod ########################
strRecipientsName = strSender
strRecipients = strSender
strFrom = strSender
strFromName = strSender
strsubject = strForumTitle & " Registration "
strMessage = "The new registration of: " & Request.Form("Name") & "
(" & Request.Form("Email") & ") has occured at " & strForumTitle & "
(" & strForumURL & ")." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Go and check
out: " & strForumURL & "admin_accounts_pending.asp to get their full
details." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Cheers," & vbNewLine &
vbNewLine & "Forum Administrator @ " & strForumTitle
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_mail.asp" -->
Can anyone help me with code that will work for me to receive an email alert when a new member signs up?