I was just rethinking of this, and decided to check this topic again ... I was wondering if there was someone out there who has some idea's about how to build this ?
I've taken the ReplaceURL's code, and rebuild it for the function ReplaceAcrs (replace acronyms)
So, instead of using the title attribute I've switched to the acronyms entity instead.... I know it's wrong (it's not meant for this purpose) but the effect is very much similar...)
Function ReplaceAcrs(ByVal strToFormat)
Dim oTag, c1Tag, c2Tag
Dim roTag, rc1Tag, rc12Tag, rc2Tag
Dim oTagPos, c1TagPos, oTagPos2, c1TagPos2
Dim Counter
Dim strArray, strArray2
Dim strFirstPart, strSecondPart
oTag = "[acr=*"
c1Tag = "*]"
c2Tag = "[/acr]"
roTag = "<acronym title="""
rc1Tag = """>"
rc2Tag = "</acronym>"
oTagPos = InStr(1, strToFormat, oTag, 1) 'Position of opening tag
c1TagPos = InStr(1, strToFormat, c1Tag, 1) 'Position of closing tag
'if opening tag and closing tag is found...
If (oTagpos > 0) And (c1TagPos > 0) Then
'Split string at the opening tag
strArray = Split(strToFormat, oTag, -1, 1)
'Loop through array
For Counter = 0 To UBound(strArray)
'if the closing tag is found in the string then...
If (InStr(1, strArray(Counter), c1Tag, 1) > 0) Then
'split string at the closing tag...
strArray2 = Split(strArray(Counter), c1Tag, -1, 1)
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), """", " ") ' ## filter out "
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), ";", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out ;
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "+", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out +
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "(", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out (
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), ")", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out )
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "*", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out *
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "'", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out '
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), ">", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out >
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "<", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out <
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), vbTab, " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out Tabs
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "view-source", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out view-source
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "javascript", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out javascript
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "jscript", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out jscript
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "vbscript", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out vbscript
'if the closing url tag is found in the string and
'[URL] is not found in the string then...
If InStr(1, strArray2(1), c2Tag, 1) then
strFirstPart = Left(strArray2(1), InStr(1, strArray2(1), c2Tag, 1)-1)
strSecondPart = Right(strArray2(1), (Len(strArray2(1)) - Instr(1, strArray2(1), c2Tag,1) - len(c2Tag)+1))
If strFirstPart <> "" Then
If UCase(Left(strFirstPart, 5)) = "[IMG]" Then
ReplaceAcrs = ReplaceAcrs & "<acronym title=""" & strArray2(0) & """>" & strFirstPart & "</acronym>" & strSecondPart
ReplaceAcrs = ReplaceAcrs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strFirstPart & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
End If
ReplaceAcrs = ReplaceAcrs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strArray2(0) & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
End If
ReplaceAcrs = ReplaceAcrs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strArray2(0) & rc2Tag & strArray2(1)
End If
ReplaceAcrs = ReplaceAcrs & strArray(Counter)
End If
ReplaceAcrs = strToFormat
End If
End Function
This seems to work ok, with this syntax:
[acr=*Text of the acronym*]bla[/acr]
Now, the text bla is shown with the text Text of the acronym hovering over it with a mouseover.
I've decided to use the asterisk instead of the quote, to avoid conflicts with the ReplaceURLs function, where "] is replaces by </a>.<