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 file library help please

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shaggy073077 Posted - 29 October 2015 : 15:31:38
ok here goes....

1.) how hard is it to make the file library mod "unlimited amount" amount in the uploads? I wanna have it have unlimited size when I am trying to upload a file higher then a Kilobyte. Space ain't a problem for the moment (4TB). I have been racking my brain on this one. I tried all 9's, 0's and even nothing for size in ACP and notta any three would work. Any help on this one?

2.) Second one is actually an add-on. (here's the steps)
A.) go into your file library.
B.) Click on a title that has something in it.
C.) Right there next to the animated download image.
How hard is it to code an image right there showing you a little bit about that file? Basically an image file that could be like 64x64 or even 100x100 or something like that? I have images in mine and would like a "thumb" showing up next to (to the left) of the title of the link to download.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Carefree Posted - 30 October 2015 : 04:36:44
Try this. It's untested, but should fix it.

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="config.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_func_secure.asp" -->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_sha256.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_header.asp" -->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_func_member.asp" -->
<!--#include file="inc_file_lister_functions.asp"-->
on error resume next

Response.Write "    <script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript"">" & vbNewLine & _
"    function ChangePage(fnum){" & vbNewLine & _
"     if (fnum == 1) {" & vbNewLine & _
"        document.PageNum1.submit();" & vbNewLine & _
"     }" & vbNewLine & _
"     else {" & vbNewLine & _
"        document.PageNum2.submit();" & vbNewLine & _
"     }" & vbNewLine & _
"    }" & vbNewLine & _
"    </script>" & vbNewLine
'end javascript block

Set objFileSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

cname = request.QueryString("cname")
tMID = trim(cint(request.QueryString("mid")))
cid = trim(cint(request.QueryString("cid")))

strSql = "select * from "& strTablePrefix & "FILELISTER_CONFIG"
strConf = My_Conn.execute(strSql)
file_size = trim(strConf("file_size"))
bdir = trim(strConf("base_dir"))
single_filelister = cint(strConf("single_filelister"))
file_type = trim(strConf("file_type"))
If Len(file_type) > 9 Then
	doc = trim(left(file_type, 1))
	txt = trim(right(left(file_type, 3),1))
	pdf = trim(right(left(file_type, 5),1))
	zip = trim(right(left(file_type, 7),1))
	arj = trim(right(left(file_type, 9),1))
End If
mode = trim(request.QueryString("mode"))
strMode = 0
if mode <> "" then
   if mode = "search" then
      strMode = 1
      strFileName = trim(request.QueryString("FileName"))
      strDescription = trim(request.QueryString("Description"))
      strFileSearch = trim(request.QueryString("File_Search"))
   response.write "search mode"&"<BR>"
'  response.write strFileName&"<BR>"
'  response.write strDescription&"<BR>"
'  response.write strFileSearch&"<BR>"
'  response.write sqldtl&"<BR>"
   end if
end if

if strMode = 1 then
      sqldtl = "select * from "& strMemberTablePrefix & "FILELISTER where file_status = 1 "
         if strDescription = "1" and strFileName = "1" then
            sqldtl = sqldtl &"and (file_desc LIKE '%" &strFileSearch&"%' or file_name LIKE '%" &strFileSearch&"%')"
            if strFileName = "1" then
               sqldtl = sqldtl &"and file_name LIKE '%" &strFileSearch&"%'"
               if strDescription = "1" then
                  sqldtl = sqldtl &"and file_desc LIKE '%" &strFileSearch&"%'"
               end if
            end if
         end if
   if single_album = 0 then
      sqldtl = "select * from "& strMemberTablePrefix & "FILELISTER where Member_Id ="&trim(cint(tMID))&" and File_Cat = "&trim(cint(cid))
      sqldtl = "select * from "& strMemberTablePrefix & "FILELISTER where File_Cat = "&trim(cint(cid))&" and File_status = 1 order by File_Name"
   end if
end if

set rs = My_Conn.Execute(sqldtl)
if rs.EOF or rs.BOF then
   Dim aData(0,0)
   aData(0,0) = 0
   aData = rs.GetRows
end if
rs.close: set rs=nothing
if single_album = 0 then
   strSql = "select * from "& strMemberTablePrefix & "FILELISTER_USERS where Member_id ="&tMID
end if   
cmd_rt = My_Conn.execute(strSql)
m_name = cmd_rt("M_Name")
m_name = trim(m_name)

if strMode = 1 then
      response.write"<table border=""0"" width=""100%"">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  <tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    <td width=""33%"" align=""left"" nowrap><font face="""&strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""default.asp"">All Forums</a><br>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""File_Lister.asp"">File Sections</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBlank,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpenTopic,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " Search Results</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    </font></td>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  </tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "</table>"& vbNewLine
   if single_filelister = 0 then
      response.write"<table border=""0"" width=""100%"">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  <tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    <td width=""33%"" align=""left"" nowrap><font face="""&strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""default.asp"">All Forums</a><br>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconbar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""File_Lister.asp"">File Sections</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBlank,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""file_lister_cat.asp?sqldtl="&tMID&""">"&_
      m_name&"'s Categories</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBlank,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconBlank,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpenTopic,"","align=""absmiddle""") &" "&m_name&"'s "&cname&"<br>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    </font></td>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  </tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "</table>"& vbNewLine
      response.write"<table border=""0"" width=""100%"">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  <tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    <td width=""33%"" align=""left"" nowrap><font face="""&strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""default.asp"">All Forums</a><br>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""File_Lister.asp"">File Sections</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBlank,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpenTopic,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " Categories</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    </font></td>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  </tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "</table>"& vbNewLine
   end if
end if

mypage = request("page")
if ((Trim(mypage) = "") or (IsNumeric(mypage) = False)) then mypage = 1
mypage = cLng(mypage)
'set the mypage for the drop down
if Request.QueryString("page") <> "" then
   intPage = cint(Request.QueryString("page"))
   intPage = 1
end if
'check to see what page we are on if not set default it to the first page  
intRecordsPerPage = 6 ' Records per page
response.write "<BR>"
if intFirstRecord + (intRecordsPerPage - 1) >= ubound(aData,2) then
   if ((ubound(aData,2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage) > cint((ubound(aData,2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage) then
      'check for any hangover records
      maxpages = cint(((ubound(aData,2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage))
      maxpages = maxpages + 1
      'make sure we have enough pages to cover all the records
      maxpages = cint(((ubound(aData,2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage))
   end if
'needed for the dropdown navigation. Only likes Whole numbers no fractions!
end if
if aData(0,0) = 0 then
   if strMode = 1 then
      response.write "<div align = center>No files matched your search!</div>"&vbNewline
      response.write "<div align = center>There are currently No Files in this category!</div><br>"&vbNewline
   end if
   intFirstRecord = (intPage - 1) * intRecordsPerPage 'The first record to display
   'block to build the forward and back navigation
   ref = "<div align = ""right"">"
   if intPage > 1 then ' We're not on the 1st page, show a previous link
      ref = ref & "<font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strFooterFontSize &"""><a href=file_lister_view.asp?"
      if strMode = 1 then
         ref = ref &"mode="&mode
         ref = ref &"&FileName="&strFileName
         ref = ref &"&File_Search="&server.URLEncode(strFileSearch)
         ref = ref &"&Description="&strDescription
         ref = ref &"cname="&Server.URLEncode(cname)
         ref = ref &"&mid="&tMID
         ref = ref &"&cid="&cid
      end if
      ref = ref &"&page="&intPage - 1
      ref = ref &">"&getCurrentIcon(strIconGoLeft,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"Previous</a></font> "
   end if
   if intFirstRecord + (intRecordsPerPage - 1) >= ubound(aData,2) then 'We're on the last page
      intLastRecord = ubound(aData,2)
   else 'There's more pages - show a next link
      intLastRecord = intFirstRecord + (intRecordsPerPage - 1)
      ref = ref &" <font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strFooterFontSize &"""><a href=file_lister_view.asp?"
      if strMode = 1 then
         ref = ref &"mode="&mode
         ref = ref &"&FileName="&strFileName
         ref = ref &"&File_Search="&server.URLEncode(strFileSearch)
         ref = ref &"&Description="&strDescription
         ref = ref &"cname="&Server.URLEncode(cname)
         ref = ref &"&mid="&tMID
         ref = ref &"&cid="&cid
      end if
      ref = ref &"&page="&intPage + 1
      ref = ref &">"&getCurrentIcon(strIconGoRight,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"Next</a></font>"  
      ref = pref & ref 
   end if
   ref = ref &"</div>"
   'end block
   if strMode = 1 then
         response.write "<div align = center><H4> File Lister Search Results</h4></div>"&vbNewline
      if single_album = 0 then
         response.write"<div align = center><H4> "& m_name &"'s "& cname &" </h4></div>"&vbNewline
         response.write "<div align = center><H4> "&STRFORUMTITLE&" Files </h4></div>"&vbNewline
      end if
   end if
   if maxpages > 1 then
      response.write "<table border=""0"" width=""95%"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""center"">"&VbnewLine&_
         "      <tr>"&VbnewLine&_
      "        <td width=""50%"" valign=""bottom""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strDefaultFontColor &""">"
      if strMode = 1 then
         Call DropDownPaging(1,strMode,mode,strFileName,strFileSearch,strDescription) 
         Call DropDownPaging(1,0,0,0,0,0) 
      end if
      response.write  "</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
      "        <td width=""50%"" align=""right""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strDefaultFontColor &""">"&vbNewLine&_
      ref & vbNewLine &_
      "      </tr>"&VbnewLine&_
      "      </table>"&VbnewLine
      'if there are more than 1 page build and show the drop down nav
   end if
   Response.Write "<table border=""0"" width=""98%"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""center"">" & vbNewLine & _
   "  <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
   "    <td bgcolor=""" & strTableBorderColor & """>" & vbNewLine & _
   "    <table border=""0"" width=""100%"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""4"">" & vbNewLine & _
   "      <tr>" & vbNewLine & _  
   "  <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">File</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
   "        <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Description</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
   "        <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">File</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
   "        <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Description</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
   "      </tr>"&VbnewLine
   reccnt = intLastRecord + 1

   if intPage > 1 then
      intRecordsPerPage = intRecordsPerPage + intFirstRecord
   end if
      i = intFirstRecord
   do while not(i = intRecordsPerPage)
      cntr = 0
      do while cntr < 2 and not(i = intRecordsPerPage)
         pstat = cint(aData(4,i))
         if single_album = 1 or strMode = 1 then
            strSql = "select * from "& strMemberTablePrefix & "FILELISTER_users where Member_Id = "&trim(cint(aData(1,i)))
            strName = My_Conn.execute(strSql)
            m_name = strName("m_name")
            m_name = trim(m_name)
         end if
         strBasePath = bdir&"\"&m_name&"\"&clr_spaces(aData(2,i))
         strBasePath = strBasePath
         ref = "<A HREF="&strBasePath&">"
         if i => reccnt then
            response.write"        <td align = ""center"" bgColor="""& strForumCellColor &""" width=""20%""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &"""> </td>"&VbnewLine
            intFileType = instrrev(aData(2,i),".")
            intStrLen = len(trim(aData(2,i)))
            strFileType = right(trim(aData(2,i)),(intStrLen-intFileType))
            strFileType = UCASE(strFileType)
            Response.Write"        <td align = ""center"" bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &""" width=""20%""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"&VbnewLine
				If strFileType = "JPG" Or strFileType = "BMP" Or strFileType = "GIF" Then Response.Write	"<img src = """ & strBasePath & """ height=""30"" />"
				select case strFileType
				case "ZIP","ARJ"
				Response.Write ref&getCurrentIcon(strIconZip,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"<br>"&unclr_spaces(trim(aData(2,i)))&vbNewline
				case "DOC"
				Response.Write ref&getCurrentIcon(strIconWord,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"<br>"&unclr_spaces(trim(aData(2,i)))&vbNewline				
				case "PDF"
				Response.Write ref&getCurrentIcon(strIconAdobe,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"<br>"&unclr_spaces(trim(aData(2,i)))&vbNewline				
				case "TXT"
				Response.Write ref&getCurrentIcon(strIconNotePad,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"<br>"&unclr_spaces(trim(aData(2,i)))&vbNewline
				Case "JPG"
					Response.Write	ref&"<br />"&trim(aData(2,i))&vbNewline
				Case "BMP"
					Response.Write	ref&"<br />"&trim(aData(2,i))&vbNewline
				Case "GIF"
					Response.Write	ref&"<br />"&trim(aData(2,i))&vbNewline
				Case "MP3"
					Response.Write	ref&getCurrentIcon(strIconMP3,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"<br />"&unclr_spaces(trim(aData(2,i)))&vbNewline
				case Else
					Response.Write	ref&" " & vbNewline
				end select
            Response.Write "</a></font></td>"&vbNewline
         end if
         if i => reccnt then
            response.write"        <td align = ""center"" bgColor="""& strForumCellColor &""" width=""20%""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &"""> </td>"&VbnewLine
            Response.Write "        <td bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &""" width=""20%""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" width = ""20%"">"&VbnewLine
            Response.Write aData(3,i)
            Response.Write "</a></font></td>"&vbNewline
         end if
         cntr = cntr + 1
         i = i + 1
      Response.Write "</TR>"&vbNewline
   response.write"    </table>"&VbnewLine&_
   "    </td>"&VbnewLine&_
   "  </tr>"&VbnewLine&_
   'rap up the table
end if
Call WriteFooter

sub DropDownPaging(fnum,strMode,mode,strFileName,strFileSearch,strDescription)
'* ripped from topic.asp and modified to work
'* for our little purpose
   if maxpages > 1 then
      if mypage = "" then
         pge = 1
         pge = mypage
      end if
      scriptname = request.servervariables("script_name")
      Response.Write("<form name=""PageNum" & fnum & """ action=""file_lister_view.asp"">" & vbNewLine)
      if strMode = 1 then
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""mode"" VALUE="""&mode&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""FileName"" VALUE="""&strFileName&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""File_Search"" VALUE="""&strFileSearch&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""Description"" VALUE="""&strDescription&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""cname"" VALUE="""&cname&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""mid"" VALUE="""&tMID&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""cid"" VALUE="""&cid&""">"
      end if
      Response.Write("<b>Page: </b><select name=""page"" size=""1"" onchange=""ChangePage(" & fnum & ");"">" & vbNewLine)
      for counter = 1 to maxpages
         if counter <> cLng(pge) then   
            Response.Write "  <option value=""" & counter &  """>" & counter & "</option>" & vbNewLine
            Response.Write "  <option selected value=""" & counter &  """>" & counter & "</option>" & vbNewLine
         end if
      Response.Write("</select><b> of " & maxpages & "</b>" & vbNewLine)
      Response.Write("</font>" & vbNewLine)
      Response.Write("</form>" & vbNewLine)
   end if
   top = "0"
end sub 
shaggy073077 Posted - 30 October 2015 : 03:21:56
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="config.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_func_secure.asp" -->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_sha256.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_header.asp" -->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_func_member.asp" -->
<!--#include file="inc_file_lister_functions.asp"-->
on error resume next

Response.Write "    <script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript"">" & vbNewLine & _
"    function ChangePage(fnum){" & vbNewLine & _
"     if (fnum == 1) {" & vbNewLine & _
"        document.PageNum1.submit();" & vbNewLine & _
"     }" & vbNewLine & _
"     else {" & vbNewLine & _
"        document.PageNum2.submit();" & vbNewLine & _
"     }" & vbNewLine & _
"    }" & vbNewLine & _
"    </script>" & vbNewLine
'end javascript block

Set objFileSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

cname = request.QueryString("cname")
tMID = trim(cint(request.QueryString("mid")))
cid = trim(cint(request.QueryString("cid")))

strSql = "select * from "& strTablePrefix & "FILELISTER_CONFIG"
strConf = My_Conn.execute(strSql)
file_size = trim(strConf("file_size"))
bdir = trim(strConf("base_dir"))
single_filelister = cint(strConf("single_filelister"))
file_type = trim(strConf("file_type"))
doc = trim(left(file_type, 1))
txt = trim(right(left(file_type, 3),1))
pdf = trim(right(left(file_type, 5),1))
zip = trim(right(left(file_type, 7),1))
arj = trim(right(left(file_type, 9),1))
mode = trim(request.QueryString("mode"))
strMode = 0
if mode <> "" then
   if mode = "search" then
      strMode = 1
      strFileName = trim(request.QueryString("FileName"))
      strDescription = trim(request.QueryString("Description"))
      strFileSearch = trim(request.QueryString("File_Search"))
   response.write "search mode"&"<BR>"
'  response.write strFileName&"<BR>"
'  response.write strDescription&"<BR>"
'  response.write strFileSearch&"<BR>"
'  response.write sqldtl&"<BR>"
   end if
end if

if strMode = 1 then
      sqldtl = "select * from "& strMemberTablePrefix & "FILELISTER where file_status = 1 "
         if strDescription = "1" and strFileName = "1" then
            sqldtl = sqldtl &"and (file_desc LIKE '%" &strFileSearch&"%' or file_name LIKE '%" &strFileSearch&"%')"
            if strFileName = "1" then
               sqldtl = sqldtl &"and file_name LIKE '%" &strFileSearch&"%'"
               if strDescription = "1" then
                  sqldtl = sqldtl &"and file_desc LIKE '%" &strFileSearch&"%'"
               end if
            end if
         end if
   if single_album = 0 then
      sqldtl = "select * from "& strMemberTablePrefix & "FILELISTER where Member_Id ="&trim(cint(tMID))&" and File_Cat = "&trim(cint(cid))
      sqldtl = "select * from "& strMemberTablePrefix & "FILELISTER where File_Cat = "&trim(cint(cid))&" and File_status = 1 order by File_Name"
   end if
end if

set rs = My_Conn.Execute(sqldtl)
if rs.EOF or rs.BOF then
   Dim aData(0,0)
   aData(0,0) = 0
   aData = rs.GetRows
end if
rs.close: set rs=nothing
if single_album = 0 then
   strSql = "select * from "& strMemberTablePrefix & "FILELISTER_USERS where Member_id ="&tMID
end if   
cmd_rt = My_Conn.execute(strSql)
m_name = cmd_rt("M_Name")
m_name = trim(m_name)

if strMode = 1 then
      response.write"<table border=""0"" width=""100%"">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  <tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    <td width=""33%"" align=""left"" nowrap><font face="""&strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""default.asp"">All Forums</a><br>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""File_Lister.asp"">File Sections</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBlank,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpenTopic,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " Search Results</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    </font></td>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  </tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "</table>"& vbNewLine
   if single_filelister = 0 then
      response.write"<table border=""0"" width=""100%"">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  <tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    <td width=""33%"" align=""left"" nowrap><font face="""&strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""default.asp"">All Forums</a><br>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconbar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""File_Lister.asp"">File Sections</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBlank,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""file_lister_cat.asp?sqldtl="&tMID&""">"&_
      m_name&"'s Categories</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBlank,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconBlank,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpenTopic,"","align=""absmiddle""") &" "&m_name&"'s "&cname&"<br>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    </font></td>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  </tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "</table>"& vbNewLine
      response.write"<table border=""0"" width=""100%"">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  <tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    <td width=""33%"" align=""left"" nowrap><font face="""&strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""default.asp"">All Forums</a><br>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""File_Lister.asp"">File Sections</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBlank,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpenTopic,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " Categories</a><BR>"& vbNewLine & _
      "    </font></td>"& vbNewLine & _
      "  </tr>"& vbNewLine & _
      "</table>"& vbNewLine
   end if
end if

mypage = request("page")
if ((Trim(mypage) = "") or (IsNumeric(mypage) = False)) then mypage = 1
mypage = cLng(mypage)
'set the mypage for the drop down
if Request.QueryString("page") <> "" then
   intPage = cint(Request.QueryString("page"))
   intPage = 1
end if
'check to see what page we are on if not set default it to the first page  
intRecordsPerPage = 6 ' Records per page
response.write "<BR>"
if intFirstRecord + (intRecordsPerPage - 1) >= ubound(aData,2) then
   if ((ubound(aData,2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage) > cint((ubound(aData,2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage) then
      'check for any hangover records
      maxpages = cint(((ubound(aData,2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage))
      maxpages = maxpages + 1
      'make sure we have enough pages to cover all the records
      maxpages = cint(((ubound(aData,2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage))
   end if
'needed for the dropdown navigation. Only likes Whole numbers no fractions!
end if
if aData(0,0) = 0 then
   if strMode = 1 then
      response.write "<div align = center>No files matched your search!</div>"&vbNewline
      response.write "<div align = center>There are currently No Files in this category!</div><br>"&vbNewline
   end if
   intFirstRecord = (intPage - 1) * intRecordsPerPage 'The first record to display
   'block to build the forward and back navigation
   ref = "<div align = ""right"">"
   if intPage > 1 then ' We're not on the 1st page, show a previous link
      ref = ref & "<font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strFooterFontSize &"""><a href=file_lister_view.asp?"
      if strMode = 1 then
         ref = ref &"mode="&mode
         ref = ref &"&FileName="&strFileName
         ref = ref &"&File_Search="&server.URLEncode(strFileSearch)
         ref = ref &"&Description="&strDescription
         ref = ref &"cname="&Server.URLEncode(cname)
         ref = ref &"&mid="&tMID
         ref = ref &"&cid="&cid
      end if
      ref = ref &"&page="&intPage - 1
      ref = ref &">"&getCurrentIcon(strIconGoLeft,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"Previous</a></font> "
   end if
   if intFirstRecord + (intRecordsPerPage - 1) >= ubound(aData,2) then 'We're on the last page
      intLastRecord = ubound(aData,2)
   else 'There's more pages - show a next link
      intLastRecord = intFirstRecord + (intRecordsPerPage - 1)
      ref = ref &" <font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strFooterFontSize &"""><a href=file_lister_view.asp?"
      if strMode = 1 then
         ref = ref &"mode="&mode
         ref = ref &"&FileName="&strFileName
         ref = ref &"&File_Search="&server.URLEncode(strFileSearch)
         ref = ref &"&Description="&strDescription
         ref = ref &"cname="&Server.URLEncode(cname)
         ref = ref &"&mid="&tMID
         ref = ref &"&cid="&cid
      end if
      ref = ref &"&page="&intPage + 1
      ref = ref &">"&getCurrentIcon(strIconGoRight,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"Next</a></font>"  
      ref = pref & ref 
   end if
   ref = ref &"</div>"
   'end block
   if strMode = 1 then
         response.write "<div align = center><H4> File Lister Search Results</h4></div>"&vbNewline
      if single_album = 0 then
         response.write"<div align = center><H4> "& m_name &"'s "& cname &" </h4></div>"&vbNewline
         response.write "<div align = center><H4> "&STRFORUMTITLE&" Files </h4></div>"&vbNewline
      end if
   end if
   if maxpages > 1 then
      response.write "<table border=""0"" width=""95%"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""center"">"&VbnewLine&_
         "      <tr>"&VbnewLine&_
      "        <td width=""50%"" valign=""bottom""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strDefaultFontColor &""">"
      if strMode = 1 then
         Call DropDownPaging(1,strMode,mode,strFileName,strFileSearch,strDescription) 
         Call DropDownPaging(1,0,0,0,0,0) 
      end if
      response.write  "</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
      "        <td width=""50%"" align=""right""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strDefaultFontColor &""">"&vbNewLine&_
      ref & vbNewLine &_
      "      </tr>"&VbnewLine&_
      "      </table>"&VbnewLine
      'if there are more than 1 page build and show the drop down nav
   end if
   Response.Write "<table border=""0"" width=""98%"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""center"">" & vbNewLine & _
   "  <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
   "    <td bgcolor=""" & strTableBorderColor & """>" & vbNewLine & _
   "    <table border=""0"" width=""100%"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""4"">" & vbNewLine & _
   "      <tr>" & vbNewLine & _  
   "  <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">File</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
   "        <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Description</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
   "        <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">File</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
   "        <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Description</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
   "      </tr>"&VbnewLine
   reccnt = intLastRecord + 1

   if intPage > 1 then
      intRecordsPerPage = intRecordsPerPage + intFirstRecord
   end if
      i = intFirstRecord
   do while not(i = intRecordsPerPage)
      cntr = 0
      do while cntr < 2 and not(i = intRecordsPerPage)
         pstat = cint(aData(4,i))
         if single_album = 1 or strMode = 1 then
            strSql = "select * from "& strMemberTablePrefix & "FILELISTER_users where Member_Id = "&trim(cint(aData(1,i)))
            strName = My_Conn.execute(strSql)
            m_name = strName("m_name")
            m_name = trim(m_name)
         end if
         strBasePath = bdir&"\"&m_name&"\"&clr_spaces(aData(2,i))
         strBasePath = strBasePath
         ref = "<A HREF="&strBasePath&">"
         if i => reccnt then
            response.write"        <td align = ""center"" bgColor="""& strForumCellColor &""" width=""20%""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &"""> </td>"&VbnewLine
            intFileType = instrrev(aData(2,i),".")
            intStrLen = len(trim(aData(2,i)))
            strFileType = right(trim(aData(2,i)),(intStrLen-intFileType))
            strFileType = UCASE(strFileType)
            Response.Write"        <td align = ""center"" bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &""" width=""20%""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"&VbnewLine
            select case strFileType
            case "ZIP","ARJ"
            Response.Write ref&getCurrentIcon(strIconZip,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"<br>"&unclr_spaces(trim(aData(2,i)))&vbNewline
            case "DOC"
            Response.Write ref&getCurrentIcon(strIconWord,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"<br>"&unclr_spaces(trim(aData(2,i)))&vbNewline          
            case "PDF"
            Response.Write ref&getCurrentIcon(strIconAdobe,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"<br>"&unclr_spaces(trim(aData(2,i)))&vbNewline            
            case "TXT"
            Response.Write ref&getCurrentIcon(strIconNotePad,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"<br>"&unclr_spaces(trim(aData(2,i)))&vbNewline          
            end select
            Response.Write "</a></font></td>"&vbNewline
         end if
         if i => reccnt then
            response.write"        <td align = ""center"" bgColor="""& strForumCellColor &""" width=""20%""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &"""> </td>"&VbnewLine
            Response.Write "        <td bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &""" width=""20%""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" width = ""20%"">"&VbnewLine
            Response.Write aData(3,i)
            Response.Write "</a></font></td>"&vbNewline
         end if
         cntr = cntr + 1
         i = i + 1
      Response.Write "</TR>"&vbNewline
   response.write"    </table>"&VbnewLine&_
   "    </td>"&VbnewLine&_
   "  </tr>"&VbnewLine&_
   'rap up the table
end if
Call WriteFooter

sub DropDownPaging(fnum,strMode,mode,strFileName,strFileSearch,strDescription)
'* ripped from topic.asp and modified to work
'* for our little purpose
   if maxpages > 1 then
      if mypage = "" then
         pge = 1
         pge = mypage
      end if
      scriptname = request.servervariables("script_name")
      Response.Write("<form name=""PageNum" & fnum & """ action=""file_lister_view.asp"">" & vbNewLine)
      if strMode = 1 then
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""mode"" VALUE="""&mode&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""FileName"" VALUE="""&strFileName&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""File_Search"" VALUE="""&strFileSearch&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""Description"" VALUE="""&strDescription&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""cname"" VALUE="""&cname&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""mid"" VALUE="""&tMID&""">"
         response.write"   <INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" NAME=""cid"" VALUE="""&cid&""">"
      end if
      Response.Write("<b>Page: </b><select name=""page"" size=""1"" onchange=""ChangePage(" & fnum & ");"">" & vbNewLine)
      for counter = 1 to maxpages
         if counter <> cLng(pge) then   
            Response.Write "  <option value=""" & counter &  """>" & counter & "</option>" & vbNewLine
            Response.Write "  <option selected value=""" & counter &  """>" & counter & "</option>" & vbNewLine
         end if
      Response.Write("</select><b> of " & maxpages & "</b>" & vbNewLine)
      Response.Write("</font>" & vbNewLine)
      Response.Write("</form>" & vbNewLine)
   end if
   top = "0"
end sub 
Carefree Posted - 29 October 2015 : 17:43:41
The size of uploads has been covered in many topics here. Look at the last reply to this topic.

As for adding a thumbnail, that's fairly simple, but it sounds like your "file_lister_view.asp" file has been modified. Post a link to it in .txt format and I'll fix it for you.

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