Once I include the inc_locale.asp in the header page I get the following error.
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: ''
/tyco/forum/inc_locale.asp, line 3
My Locale.asp hasn't been changed from the code that was downloaded. Line 3 ends up being the Set rsLocale line
strSql="SELECT IPSTART, IPEND, IPCOUNTRY FROM " & strTablePrefix & "IPTOCOUNTRY WHERE IPSTART <= '" & Request.ServerVariables("Remote_Addr") & "' AND IPEND >= '" & Request.ServerVariables("Remote_Addr") & "'"
Set rsLocale= my_Conn.Execute(strSql)
If NOT (rsLocale.BOF or rsLocale.EOF) Then
End If
Set rsLocale = Nothing
I have followed all the steps in the instructions. All 4 database mods were run.