maybe a mod for the forum / whole page
i use it on my whole site
check the client browser
check the client version
check the client os
check if the browser can pass the site
first of all big thanks to marcelg for the spider and mobile code (included here)
--> demo screen
make a file called --> <font color="red">browser_check.asp</font id="red">
userAgent = request.serverVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
browser_Name = "Unbekannt"
browser_Ncheck = "false"
browser_Version = 0
browser_Vcheck = "false"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
'############### Mozilla
If inStr(userAgent,"Mozilla") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Mozilla"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"rv")+3,3)
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Mozilla Firebird
If inStr(userAgent,"Firebird") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Mozilla Firebird"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Firebird")+9,4)
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Mozilla Firefox
If inStr(userAgent,"Firefox") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Mozilla Firefox"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Firefox")+8,3)
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 1
end If
'############### Mozilla K-Meleon
If inStr(userAgent,"K-Meleon") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Mozilla K-Meleon"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"K-Meleon")+9,5)
If mid(browser_Version,4,1) = "" then
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"K-Meleon")+9,3)
end If
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Mozilla Phoenix
If inStr(userAgent,"Phoenix") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Mozilla Phoenix"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Phoenix")+8,3)
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Internet Explorer
If inStr(userAgent,"MSIE") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Internet Explorer"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"MSIE")+5,4)
If mid(browser_Version,4,1) = ";" then
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"MSIE")+5,3)
end If
If browser_Version >= 4 then
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_pass = 1
browser_Vcheck = "false"
browser_pass = 0
end if
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
end If
'############### Crazy Browser
If inStr(userAgent,"Crazy") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Crazy Browser"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Crazy Browser")+14,5)
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Galeon
If inStr(userAgent,"Galeon") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Galeon"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Galeon")+7,6)
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Konqueror
If inStr(userAgent,"Konqueror") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Konqueror"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Konqueror")+10,5)
If ( mid(browser_Version,2,1) = ";" or mid(browser_Version,2,1) = ")" )then
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Konqueror")+10,1)
end If
If ( mid(browser_Version,4,1) = ";" or mid(browser_Version,4,1) = ")" )then
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Konqueror")+10,3)
end If
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Opera
If inStr(userAgent,"Opera") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Opera"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Opera")+6,4)
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Safari
If inStr(userAgent,"Safari") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Safari"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Safari")+7,5)
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Lotus-Notes
If inStr(userAgent,"Lotus-Notes") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Lotus Notes"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Lotus-Notes")+12,3)
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Lynx
If inStr(userAgent,"Lynx") > 0 then 'Lynx
browser_Name = "Lynx"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Lynx")+5,5)
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Netscape
If inStr(userAgent,"Netscape") > 0 or inStr(userAgent,"Nav") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Netscape"
browser_Ncheck = "ok"
browser_Version = mid(userAgent,inStr(userAgent,"Netscape")+5,5)
browser_Vcheck = "ok"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end If
'############### Spider
If inStr(userAgent,"bot") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"perl") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"java") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"libw") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"crawl") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"DA 7") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"DA 6") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"DA 5") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"DA 4") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"DA 3") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"DA 2") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"DA 1") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"download") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Spider"
browser_Ncheck = "false"
browser_Version = 0
browser_Vcheck = "false"
browser_Spider = 1
browser_Mobile = 0
browser_pass = 0
end if
'############### Mobile
If inStr(userAgent,"pda") > 0 or _
inStr(userAgent,"wap") > 0 then
browser_Name = "Mobile"
browser_Ncheck = "false"
browser_Version = 0
browser_Vcheck = "false"
browser_Spider = 0
browser_Mobile = 1
browser_pass = 0
end if
'############### OS
If inStr(userAgent,"Win") > 0 then
browser_OS = "Windows"
browser_OScheck = "ok"
elseIf inStr(userAgent,"Mac") > 0 then
browser_OS = "Macintosh"
browser_OScheck = "warn"
elseIf inStr(userAgent,"Linux") > 0 then
browser_OS = "Linux"
browser_OScheck = "warn"
elseIf inStr(userAgent,"Unix") > 0 then
browser_OS = "Unix"
browser_OScheck = "warn"
elseIf inStr(userAgent,"SunOS") > 0 then
browser_OS = "Sun Solaris"
browser_OScheck = "warn"
elseIf inStr(userAgent,"FreeBSD") > 0 then
browser_OS = "FreeBSD"
browser_OScheck = "warn"
browser_OS = "Unbekannt"
browser_OScheck = "warn"
end If
to pass a browser set:
browser_pass = 0
<font color="red">browser_pass = 1</font id="red">
you can make version number checks too
(see above for internet explorer)
the variable -->
<font color="navy">browser_OScheck =
browser_Ncheck =
browser_Vcheck = </font id="navy">
can set to -->
"ok" "false" "warn"
(used to display icons on the error page,
if you don't want you can delete it)
the browser check
should be checked on the first page of your site
normaly --> default.asp or index.asp
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="browser_check.asp" -->
<font color="red">if browser_pass = 1 or Request.QueryString("site") = "view" then</font id="red">
<font color="green">' ### content of the page to see it</font id="green">
<font color="red">elseif browser_Spider = 0 and browser_Mobile = 0 then</font id="red">
<font color="navy">Response.Redirect "browser_check_result.asp?site=error"</font id="navy">
<font color="green">' ### call error page if browser don't pass the test</font id="green">
<font color="red">elseif browser_Spider = 0 and browser_Mobile = 1 then</font id="red">
<font color="navy">Response.Redirect "browser_check_result.asp?site=mobile"</font id="navy">
<font color="green">' ### call mobile page if browser is a mobile</font id="green">
<font color="navy">Response.Redirect "browser_check_result.asp?site=spider"</font id="navy">
<font color="green">' ### call spider page if browser is a spider or someone want to pass it manualy</font id="green">
end if
<font color="red">if Request.QueryString("site") = "error" then</font id="red">
<font color="navy">Response.Redirect "browser_check_result.asp?site=error"</font id="navy">
<font color="green">' ### call error page to test it --> enter default.asp?site=error to see it</font id="green">
end if
the browser check result page
display errors
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="config.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_header.asp" -->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="browser_check.asp" -->
select case Request.QueryString("site")
<font color="red">'############### browser check result beginn</font id="red">
case "error"
page can not be displayed
to see the page anyway (without warenty) <a href="default.asp?site=view">click here</a>
<TABLE cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 border=0>
<tr><td width="200">Browser Details:</td><td><% = request.serverVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")%></td></tr>
<tr><td>Browser Name:</FONT></td><td><img src="icon_<% = browser_Ncheck %>.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" align="absmiddle"> <% = browser_Name %></td></tr>
<tr><td>Browser Version:</FONT></td><td><img src="icon_<% = browser_Vcheck %>.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" align="absmiddle"> <% = browser_Version %></td></tr>
<tr><td>Betriebssystem:</FONT></td><td><img src="icon_<% = browser_OScheck %>.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" align="absmiddle"> <% = browser_OS %></td></tr>
<font color="red">'############### browser check result end
'############### browser check mobile beginn</font id="red">
case "mobile"
page can not been displayed for mobile browser!
<font color="red">'############### browser check mobile end
'############### browser check spider beginn</font id="red">
case "spider"
'show nothing
<font color="red">'############### browser check spider end</font id="red">
case else
'show nothing
end select
you can modyfy it like me
--> users who can not pass the check can send me a mail with their client browser version and i can test it and set variable to "pass"
and many more things