Basically you should define those variables in the database, into the FORUM_CONFIG_NEW. A dbs file for that could be something like this:
Zuel's Avatar Add-On
For boolean variables '0' meaning No and '1' meaning Yes. The value for upload size is just an example.
Then you need to declare the variables in config.asp, just below the existing definition:
Dim SubCount, MySubCount
Dim intAvatarMaxUploadSize, intAvatarAllowUpload, intAvatarUseUsergroups
Then get the values from the App Variables (add them below the existing ones):
intAvatarMaxUploadSize = Application(strCookieURL & "INTAVATARMAXUPLOADSIZE")
intAvatarAllowUpload = Application(strCookieURL & "INTAVATARALLOWUPLOAD")
intAvatarUseUsergroups = Application(strCookieURL & "INTAVATARUSEUSERGROUPS")
Once you run the dbs file and add these changes to config.asp, running setup.asp will load the variables values from FORUM_CONFIG_NEW into the app variables, which means that your variables will hold the values as specified in the dbs file.
You can then test and change the variables in your pages. Probably adding a mod administration page where you can change their values would be a good option too.<