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 IE 9 beta available

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ruirib Posted - 15 September 2010 : 18:28:37
Internet Explorer 9 beta is available for download:

It has quite a few changes, both from an interface point of view, features and, above all, performance.

It deserves a good look. After a couple hours use I added it as my default browser. It's a huge improvement. Surely the best IE ever.

A good review is available on Ed Bott's blog:
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web guy Posted - 19 September 2010 : 09:37:45
In honour of Snitz I have created an ie9 forum! based on Snitz Forums

Stop by for a visit, I am wanting to add some mods for avatar upload - any suggestions for best option.
AnonJr Posted - 17 September 2010 : 07:25:26
Originally posted by ruirib

I don't print web pages that much :). Guess that wasn't a priority.

I wish some of the people at work took the same tack. Do you know how many printed copies of "You do not need to print this. A link to this page has been added to your Online Education Transcript." I see sitting on the printer?
HuwR Posted - 16 September 2010 : 13:16:40
neither do I to be honest, just thought it was about time they sorted it out
ruirib Posted - 16 September 2010 : 12:57:18
I found just a compatibility issue with a site I visit and compatibility mode sorted it too. I don't print web pages that much :). Guess that wasn't a priority.
HuwR Posted - 16 September 2010 : 12:53:17
mmm, it is still pretty crap at printing web pages though
HuwR Posted - 16 September 2010 : 12:37:06
had a few glitches with mis-aligned text on facebook, which meant manually enabling compatibility mode, but that is all so far
AnonJr Posted - 16 September 2010 : 08:59:31
With my schedule the next couple days I won't get a chance to try it out at home until the weekend, but I've heard good things from those not hell-bent on MS bashing.

Sadly, I won't be able to use it at work as we're still on XP and one of our core products was finally "blessed" by the vendor for use with IE7... at least we can move away from IE6 at work. =/
ruirib Posted - 16 September 2010 : 05:31:05
Agreed. It's a great version. As I wrote, I started just to have a look, by using it on the laptop and I just felt I couldn't leave it off my desktop, after a couple hours, as it felt so good. It's uncluttered as Chrome, but contrary to Chrome, all the good ole IE stuff is there if you need it and it is way faster than old IE. Pretty impressive, indeed.
HuwR Posted - 16 September 2010 : 05:23:37
so far am pretty impressed with it, it is a certainly a lot snappier than it used to be and eveything I have visited so far works ok too.

ruirib Posted - 16 September 2010 : 04:28:49
They went for a minimalist interface. For favorites I actually use Google's toolbar and it works with IE 9 right out of the box. That was another good surprise.
HuwR Posted - 16 September 2010 : 02:35:45
bloody thing doesn't remember any of your shortcuts, brilliant!!

Yippee I found my favourites bar, why oh why do Microsft insist on confusing everyone by moving stuff around all the time.

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