Cool! Thanks! The MOD I am working on is regarding the mod setup file.
Since I didn't really understand it all at the time, I researched it last night and wrote (borrowed as well) some code to help pre-select the checkbox else just make it hidden in a hidden input.
This is what I fiddled with last night. It was a fun learning experience as well. Before the code obscures the results below the code, this is what it produced for me on my machine, which doesn't show the entire code for the form ... just this part about what is SQL Server 6.x and 7.x?
I'm modding again partly for my kids to learn some classic scripting for school and for life.
Useful Information
Your system is using Microsoft SQL Server.
Name: SQL Server 2012
Codename: Denali
AKA: SQL Server 11
Version: 11.0.3000.0
Operating System: Windows 64bit
Response.Write " <form action=""" & Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") & """ method=""post"" name=""form1"">" & vbNewLine
if strDBType = "sqlserver" then
strProductVersionText = ""
strOsType = ""
intSQLType = ""
strCodeName = ""
strAKA = ""
strSql = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS ProductVersion;"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSql, my_Conn
if not rs.EOF then
strProductVersion = trim(rs("ProductVersion"))
strProductVersion = ""
end if
set rs = nothing
'response.write GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Processor='cpu0'").AddressWidth & "<br>"
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
OsType = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")
If OsType = "x86" then
strOsType = "Windows 32bit"
elseif OsType = "AMD64" then
strOsType = "Windows 64bit"
end if
strProductVersionText = ""
if strProductVersion >= "15.0.2000.5" AND strProductVersion < "15.0.4063.15" then 'SQL Server 2019
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 2019"
intSQLType = "7"
strCodeName = "Seattle"
strAKA = "SQL Server 15"
elseif strProductVersion >= "14.0.1000.169" AND strProductVersion < "14.0.3356.21" then 'SQL Server 2017
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 2017"
intSQLType = "7"
strCodeName = "vNext"
strAKA = "SQL Server 14"
elseif strProductVersion >= "13.0.1601.5" AND strProductVersion < "13.2.5026.1" then 'SQL Server 2016
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 2016"
intSQLType = "7"
strCodeName = "SQL16"
strAKA = "SQL Server 13"
elseif strProductVersion >= "12.0.2000.8" AND strProductVersion < "12.3.6024.1" then 'SQL Server 2014
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 2014"
intSQLType = "7"
strCodeName = "SQL14"
strAKA = "SQL Server 12"
elseif strProductVersion >= "11.0.2100.60" AND strProductVersion < "11.4.7001.1" then 'SQL Server 2012
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 2012"
intSQLType = "7"
strCodeName = "Denali"
strAKA = "SQL Server 11"
elseif strProductVersion >= "10.50.1600.1" AND strProductVersion < "10.53.6000.35" then 'SQL Server 2008 R2
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 2008 R2"
intSQLType = "7"
strCodeName = "Kilimanjaro"
strAKA = "SQL Server 10.5"
elseif strProductVersion >= "10.0.1600.22" AND strProductVersion < "10.4.6000.30" then 'SQL Server 2008
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 2008"
intSQLType = "7"
strCodeName = "Katmai"
strAKA = "SQL Server 10"
elseif strProductVersion >= "9.0.1399.06" AND strProductVersion < "9.0.5001" then 'SQL Server 2005
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 2005"
intSQLType = "7"
strCodeName = "Yukon"
strAKA = "SQL Server 9"
elseif strProductVersion >= "8.0.194" AND strProductVersion < "8.0.2040" then 'SQL Server 2000
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 2000"
intSQLType = "7"
strCodeName = "Shiloh"
strAKA = "SQL Server 8"
elseif strProductVersion >= "7.0.623" AND strProductVersion < "7.0.1064" then 'SQL Server 7.0
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 7.0"
intSQLType = "7"
strCodeName = "Sphinx"
strAKA = "SQL Server 7"
elseif strProductVersion >= "6.50.201" AND strProductVersion < "6.50.417" then 'SQL Server 6.5
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 6.5"
intSQLType = "6"
strCodeName = "Hydra"
strAKA = "SQL Server 6.50"
elseif strProductVersion >= "6.00.121" AND strProductVersion < "6.00.152" then 'SQL Server 6.0
strProductVersionText = "SQL Server 6.0"
intSQLType = "6"
strCodeName = "SQL95"
strAKA = "SQL Server 6"
end if
Response.Write "<div style=""color:black; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; line-height:20px; font-size:12px; font-weight: bold; background-color:" & strPopUpTableColor & "; border-radius:25px; padding-top:10px; padding-left:20px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px; width:410px; border:1px white solid; white-space:none; overflow:auto;"" align=""center"">"
Response.Write "Useful Information<br><br>" & _
"Your system is using Microsoft SQL Server.<br><br>" & _
"Name: " & strProductVersionText & "<br>" & _
"Codename: " & strCodeName & "<br>" & _
"AKA: <i>" & strAKA & "</i><br>" & _
"Version: " & strProductVersion & "<br>" & _
"Operating System: " & strOsType & "<br>" & _