Save this in "inc_func_common.asp":
Function M_Image(intQty,strMImage)
For intMI=1 to intQty
Response.Write "<img src=""" & strImageURL & "&strMImage&"" />"
End Function
Call the function in your code like this:
Otherwise, to do it on a single occasion:
For intMI=1 to 5
Response.Write "<img src=""" & strImageURL & "blahdeblah.gif"" />"
The reason I asked was a long standing member of our forums recently asked if he could have a different coloured set of stars under his name than the ones we were using for normal members. As this member has been good to us I decided it was a small request that I could/should honor and so coded it into topics.asp so that it looked up his member ID when posting and replying to topics and if it was such then to display five gold stars instead of the set blue ones.
The thought occured to me afterwards, hence my question, if it was possible to code for multiple instances of the same image rather than repeating the img src code five times
More from a curiosity perspective than a requirement
This can also be done using a single image, set it as the background to a div, set the background to repeat and set the div to the width you need to display x number of stars
Having just reread this and HuwR's reply I just realised that if I made the single image into a larger image of 5 stars and called it for example bladeblah5.gif, I'd only have to add the image code once anyway lol