Just informing everyone that SnitzBitz has been updated to support your 3.4.07 mods. If your mod has been tested and works with the latest version, please update your mod at SnitzBitz to reflect that.
If you have tested someone else's mod with the latest version, you can let me know in this topic or on the SnitzBitz forum and I will update the info.
Mods loaded and working in v3.4.07 tested only in access for now. NOTE: some but only some may require one or two response.write added to the front of a line of code.
Site intergration mod works
Header cell image mod works
Antispammer captcha mod works
Antispam registration mod works
active users lite mod works
F A Q Admin mod works
Disclaimer Mod Missing link in header (added to by cutting and pasting from Rules mod)
Rules mod works
GoogieSpell Mod works
Portal mod works (Slight problem with the search function) after adding portal and Required reading mod the admin help buttons were unresponsive, added response.write to fix error.
Required reading mod works
User space mod works (slight problem with the draft section, will not save draft, working on this)
Scroll mod works need to add include code for INC_FUNC_POSTING.ASP to work properly.
Avatar mod works
Avatar mod Categories added permission issue fixed my loading problem
Auto resize mod works But to load the mod changes by OXLE one needs to log into OXLE'S site to retrieve the specified files.
Advanced color Pick mod works
Events calander mod works
Some of the erors may have been from adding these mods to the new version (typos on my part) but they were added in the order written above and are working together well.