Can't do much once the harm is done, but some idiot is subscribing my webmaster@....... to dozens of mailing lists, probably not manually, so I'm curious if anyone knows of sites that provide that kind of "service" ? TIA.
Similarly are there sites that allow an idiot to add you to a "spamming list" ?<
Edited by - gpspassion on 07 September 2008 12:03:30
that's a very common prefix to email address so spammers generally add that and send email out. It doesn't mean anyone added you to it. I would suggest getting rif of that account and creating something more discreet. And if someone from your site needs to contact you, they should use a mailing form with captcha and not your email address be displayed. Just my opinion. I bought a domain a month ago and created to test my mail and within 10 minutes had a spam email. No one added my list anywhere, it just happens <