I noticed this while I was looking at saving the URL in a variable declared in config.asp so if I wanted to change services I only had to change it in one place. Just being lazy efficient.
I was just curious if there was a specific reason or if there was some sort of an oversight when it got changed some time in the past.<
I changed it and put in config.asp put something like strIPWhois. I don't have access to my files right now but if you're interested I'll post the changes. To answer your question, I think it's from a previous version because when I was changing it i never noticed a link to arin.<
I knew about the change in the samspade.org format, it was just finding the two ws.arin.net links in admin_member_search.asp kinda threw me for a loop. I've already made the change in config.asp and left myself a note so I'll remember.
'## strIPLookup is the address of the service you want to use for looking up IP
'## addresses. It assumes the IP address is going to be appended on the end of the
'## URL. If this isn't the case then you will need to make some changes in
'## pop_viewip.asp, inc_profile.asp (x2), admin_accounts_pending.asp, and
'## admin_member_search.asp (x2)
'## To change, comment out the one in use and uncomment the one you want to use
'## or add your own.
Dim strIPLookup
strIPLookup = "http://samspade.org/whois/"
'strIPLookup = "http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput="