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 Gmail invitations
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Junior Member

341 Posts

Posted - 06 April 2006 :  18:27:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No, no, I'm not inviting you all to have a gmail account.
Those who want one though can contact me and I get you an account invitation.

What I meant though is that Myspace has an option where you can
click a button, which then takes you to your Gmail to log in and
there you can automatically send an invitation to Myspace to everybody who you have in your gmail.

Could make for a nice addition to have visitors bring in more people to your forum.

Anybody looked into this?

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United States
5768 Posts

Posted - 06 April 2006 :  20:44:54  Show Profile  Visit AnonJr's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Didn't know about that. I've been thinking about the Google chat myself. (Not that I've had time to do anything, but I've been thinking about it.)<
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Junior Member

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Posted - 07 April 2006 :  19:45:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm going to spy on the Myspace system tomorrow.
I have a weekend of hard programming planned.
Maybe I can even slide in some sleep and food, but aside
from that my forum as well as my blog thingy should be
great if I get these things to work.

So much to do...can somebody help me stuff 48 hours in a day? ;)

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Support Moderator

6780 Posts

Posted - 10 April 2006 :  08:17:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you're describing what I think you're describing, I'd recommend you don't do it; sounds suspiciously like phishing to me.


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“I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the
fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had
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United States
5768 Posts

Posted - 10 April 2006 :  14:49:01  Show Profile  Visit AnonJr's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The MySpace bit or the chat?

I was curious to know if the Google Chat could be handled like the forum already handles AIM, ICQ, etc.

I think what ILLHILL was thinking of was finding a way to send a mass invite to everyone in your GMail address book. As long as no addresses are being stored in the blog (the ones from the GMail account that weren't there already), and as long as the GMail account information isn't being stored, I don't think it would be a problem.

I can see where people might have some reservations though, and you would have to find some way to address those concerns.

Now that you raise the concern and I think about it in that context, I can see where it could be a very thin line to walk... but other companies do it without problems. It might be worthwhile to talk with some of the developers and find out how they addressed those concerns.<
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Junior Member

341 Posts

Posted - 10 April 2006 :  20:51:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm not planning anything illegal.
It's just that they (Myspace) have an option to check if your friends are part of the community.
To do that they give you a login screen for Gmail (or Yahoo or Hotmail) and after that the software checks the emailaddresses of your contacts to see if they are part of the community.
If not you can chose to send them an invitation.

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Support Moderator

6780 Posts

Posted - 11 April 2006 :  05:56:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
While your intentions may not be to use this script to harvest people's passwords and/or login details, fact remains that asking people for their login details for an unrelated website and then displaying personal information they have stored on that website is going to raise more than a few eyebrows. You can offer your members all the reassurances in the world but with phishing being such a big problem these days you are going to be treading a very, very fine line.


Search is your friend
“I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the
fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had
taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.”
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Junior Member

341 Posts

Posted - 14 April 2006 :  22:44:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It seems more of an integrated part of Gmail itself.
Sorta like how on online stores you can login to your paypal account to accept
a transaction, the paypal element is integrated in the store, yet it is still paypal
and not the store where you log in to your paypal account.
The myspace mass invite is sorta the same thing, they have a gmail login, which is integrated
and only displayed by Myspace, yet you log in Gmail and myspace is able to have you tag along
an invitation.

Myspace solves the concerns by clearly stating that they store no logins or emails when
the service is used.

So obviously Gmail allows this, as well as how paypal allows stores to insert parts or their
software, so my main question would be where to find info on this.
I checked Gmail's help files but couldn't find it.

Also, as far as I know I have only seen this option on Myspace and since they're a 450 million company which ranks 6 on the list of most visited websites it could be that Gmail allowed them
exclusively for this feature.

Anybody came across any specs?

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