Easiest way is just to add the domain to the bad word filter (domain.tld), it will render any links to that site useless - saves you altering the table and having to enter every possible link manually.
Search is your friend “I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.”
Exactly; except controled to be of use to me, the community, and the few shops I want to support.
Still didn't manage to write a script that actually works. Also, can anyone point me how I can use HTML or forum code when I write Replacement text? The testing provides me with wonky links so far.<
I wouldn't suggest using the Badwords filter for this. The badwords filter actually loads the words and the replacements into 2 Application Variables the first time it's used and when any of the words are changed. This was necessary because running the database query on each page load caused the forum to actually lock up. Not sure if you want to store all those long links in Application Variables.<