There's one built into the ServerHackers, though I don't know where it originally came from... I'm sure if you looked at a few of the weather sites you'd find some sort of an API to tie in to. If you don't find anything by 6p, bump this and I'll look at what I've got (aside from bad memory - and not the replacable kind )<
I'm currently working on a site using their v9 beta, and I noticed that there was something like it in the package. I currently disabled to reduce some of the clutter on the page. I've put it back up for today so you can look at it.
Sorry I didn't get the code up last night. By the time I got home from work and ate something it was already 21:00.... and the last thing I wanted to look at was another web page (at that moment).
Did you find out if they do Swedish weather? Or if there was a similar site with a simmilar API?<
I signed up at and got my local weather showing on my page. Are you using their default view? I'd like to have a more stripped version =) <
At the moment I'm using whatever view ServerHacker set up. The feedback from the rest of the church was that that panel added too much clutter, and they didn't want it. I just re-enabled it to show you what ServerHacker had done.
Let me know if you figure it out. Maybe with a smaller footprint it will be better recieved... though if its not something that anybody is really interested in, I'll probably not push the issue.<