I've been browsing inc_func_common.asp just now, and I've got a question about the function ReplaceURLS.
I'm not a real coder, so this question might be somewhat strange, but I'd appreciate it if someone could shed a light on this.
This is the function I've got in inc_func_common.asp.
Function ReplaceURLs(ByVal strToFormat)
Dim oTag, c1Tag, oTag2, c2Tag
Dim roTag, rc1Tag, rc2Tag
Dim oTagPos, c1TagPos, oTagPos2, c1TagPos2
Dim Counter
Dim strArray, strArray2
Dim strFirstPart, strSecondPart
oTag = "[<b></b>url="""
c1Tag = """<b></b>]"
oTag2 = "[ur<b></b>l]"
c2Tag = "[/<b></b>url]"
roTag = "<a h<b></b>ref="""
rc1Tag = """ target=""_blank"">"
rc2Tag = "</a<b></b>>"
oTagPos = InStr(1, strToFormat, oTag, 1) 'Position of opening tag
c1TagPos = InStr(1, strToFormat, c1Tag, 1) 'Position of closing tag
'if opening tag and closing tag is found...
If (oTagpos > 0) And (c1TagPos > 0) Then
'Split string at the opening tag
strArray = Split(strToFormat, oTag, -1, 1)
<font color="red">
'Loop through array
For Counter = 0 To UBound(strArray)
'if the closing tag is found in the string then...
If (InStr(1, strArray(Counter), c1Tag, 1) > 0) Then
'split string at the closing tag...
strArray2 = Split(strArray(Counter), c1Tag, -1, 1)
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), """", " ") ' ## filter out "
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), ";", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out ;
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "+", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out +
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "(", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out (
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), ")", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out )
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "*", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out *
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "'", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out '
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), ">", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out >
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "<", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out <
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), vbTab, " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out Tabs
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "view-source", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out view-source
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "javascript", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out javascript
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "jscript", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out jscript
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "vbscript", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out vbscript
'if the closing url tag is found in the string and
'[U<b></b>RL] is not found in the string then...
If InStr(1, strArray2(1), c2Tag, 1) And _
Not InStr(1, UCase(strArray2(1)), "[U<b></b>RL]", 1) Then
strFirstPart = Left(strArray2(1), InStr(1, strArray2(1), c2Tag, 1)-1)
strSecondPart = Right(strArray2(1), (Len(strArray2(1)) - Instr(1, strArray2(1), c2Tag,1) - len(c2Tag)+1))
If strFirstPart <> "" Then
If UCase(Left(strFirstPart, 5)) = "[<b></b>IMG]" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & "<a hr<b></b>ef=""" & strArray2(0) & """ target=""_blank"">" & strFirstPart & "</a<b></b>>" & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 7)) = "HT<b></b>TP://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strFirstPart & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 8)) = "HT<b></b>TPS://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strFirstPart & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 4)) = "W<b></b>WW." Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & "http://" & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strFirstPart & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 7)) = "MA<b></b>ILTO:" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strFirstPart & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 6)) = "F<b></b>TP://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strFirstPart & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 7)) = "ED<b></b>2K://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strFirstPart & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
ElseIf InStr(strArray2(0), "@") > 0 Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & "m<b></b>ailto:" & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strFirstPart & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 6)) = "FI<b></b>LE:///" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strFirstPart & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strFirstPart & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
End If
If UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 7)) = "HT<b></b>TP://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 1) & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 8)) = "HT<b></b>TPS://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 2) & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 4)) = "WW<b></b>W." Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 3) & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 7)) = "MA<b></b>ILTO:" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 4) & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 6)) = "FT<b></b>P://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 5) & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 7)) = "ED<b></b>2K://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strFirstPart & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
ElseIf InStr(strArray2(0), "@") > 0 Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 4) & strSecondPart
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 6)) = "FI<b></b>LE:///" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strArray2(0) & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strArray2(0) & rc2Tag & strSecondPart
End If
End If
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strArray2(0) & rc2Tag & strArray2(1)
End If
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & strArray(Counter)
End If
ReplaceURLs = strToFormat
End If</font id="red">
oTagPos2 = InStr(1, ReplaceURLs, oTag2, 1)
c1TagPos2 = InStr(1, ReplaceURLs, c2Tag, 1)
'if opening tag and closing tag is found then...
If (oTagpos2 > 0) And (c1TagPos2 > 0) Then
'split string at opening tag
strArray = Split(ReplaceURLs, oTag2, -1, 1)
ReplaceURLs = ""
<font color="blue">For Counter = 0 To Ubound(strArray)
'if closing url tag is found in string then...
If InStr(1, strArray(Counter), c2Tag, 1) > 0 Then
'split string at closing url tag
strArray2 = Split(strArray(Counter), c2Tag, -1, 1)
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), """", " ") ' ## filter out "
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), ";", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out ;
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "+", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out +
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "(", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out (
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), ")", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out )
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "*", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out *
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "'", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out '
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), ">", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out >
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "<", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out <
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), vbTab, " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out Tabs
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "view-source", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out view-source
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "javascript", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out javascript
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "jscript", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out jscript
strArray2(0) = replace(strArray2(0), "vbscript", " ", 1, -1, 1) ' ## filter out vbscript
If UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 7)) = "H<b></b>TTP://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 1) & strArray2(1)
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 8)) = "HT<b></b>TPS://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 2) & strArray2(1)
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 4)) = "W<b></b>WW." Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 3) & strArray2(1)
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 7)) = "MAI<b></b>LTO:" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strArray2(0) & rc2Tag & strArray2(1)
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 6)) = "FT<b></b>P://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 5) & strArray2(1)
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 7)) = "ED<b></b>2K://" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strArray2(0) & rc2Tag & strArray2(1)
ElseIf InStr(strArray2(0), "@") > 0 Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 4) & strArray2(1)
ElseIf UCase(Left(strArray2(0), 6)) = "F<b></b>ILE:///" Then
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & edit_hrefs(strArray2(0), 7) & strArray2(1)
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & roTag & strArray2(0) & rc1Tag & strArray2(0) & rc2Tag & strArray2(1)
End If
ReplaceURLs = ReplaceURLs & strArray(Counter)
End If
End If</font id="blue">
End Function
To me it looks as if the red part does almost the same as the blue part, and it's done subsequently... Why has this been split up in two 'runs'?
Or am I missing a crucial difference?
Please don't get me wrong ; I'm not saying that it's wrong code! I'm just trying to understand the code, as I'm trying to actually get some knowledge of what I'm doing with the code
If someone could explain me in 'laments words' what this function does, and why it's build up like this, I'd be verrrrry happy!