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Starting Member
17 Posts |
Posted - 01 November 2001 : 11:37:23
Is it possible to allow only certain members post HTML formatted posts?
Matthew F
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Advanced Member
United Kingdom
3065 Posts |
Posted - 01 November 2001 : 11:45:03
Not with the current code as far as I know. I haven't seen this request before either so I don't think there are any MODs for it.
KatsKorner < |
Advanced Member
3725 Posts |
Posted - 01 November 2001 : 11:48:56
you would have to go thru and edit the code to do this. If this is something that you need done, then email me at and maybe we can work something out and I will edit the forum for you.
Brad< |
Starting Member
17 Posts |
Posted - 01 November 2001 : 13:49:07
I would be happy to have a go at edditing it myself. I was just wondering if a MOD had been created to do it easily.
Thank you anyway, Matthew F
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Advanced Member
3725 Posts |
Posted - 01 November 2001 : 13:56:27
i have never seen a mod for this, or even heared anyone ask about it
Brad< |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2001 : 06:27:16
Is it possible to allow only the forum administrator to post HTML formatted posts? This way, the admin would be able to include advanced post with interaction possibilities and external hosted images, and still not have the forum interrupted by anyone’s virus like html code.
< |
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
3065 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2001 : 06:46:12
Is it possible to allow only the forum administrator to post HTML formatted posts? This way, the admin would be able to include advanced post with interaction possibilities and external hosted images, and still not have the forum interrupted by anyone’s virus like html code.
This is a good idea. It is not available with the current code. You would need to modify the code to achieve it.
KatsKorner < |
Average Member
547 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2001 : 06:49:15
No, it isn't set up that way currently.
You can use externally hosted images already.
Here's an example:

(Picture of my granddaughter Alyssa) Some sites prohibit you from using externally linked images, like GeoCities.
Additional support files - < |
Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 13 January 2002 : 20:14:26
Well I'm very interested in this type of mod as I would like even just admin to be able to use html in their messages. Can anyone help me with what bits of the code I need to edit.
< |
General Help Moderator
New Zealand
7528 Posts |
Posted - 13 January 2002 : 21:48:52
A bit of a kludge, but should work.
Look for this line in inc_top.asp
mLev = cint(chkUser(strDBNTUserName, Request.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("Pword")))
Immediately after that line, add the following
if (mLev = 3 or mLev = 4) then strAllowHTML = 1 end if
This would give moderators and Admins HTML On in posts. To restrict to Admins only just remove the mLev = 3 part.
BTW What user level is mLev = 2 ??
HALO - an EverQuest and Camelot Guild< |
Advanced Member
9335 Posts |
Posted - 21 January 2002 : 14:28:09
BTW What user level is mLev = 2 ??
I believe mlev 2 is the original author of the topic or reply.
- here to help when possible - Also for logo requests!< |
Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 02 February 2002 : 08:34:47
Thanks for that, just what the doctor ordered :)
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