I know this question is posted by someone else about a mont ago but the question was never answered. I use Snitz on our intranet with NT authentication and it works great! There's only one thing that I dont like. When I start the forum to participate a discussion my name is stated as Admin (My real name) I don't like that. Is it possible to change the name Admin?
quote: Hey, I'm new to this, could you explain a little more. Thanks a head of time.
Sure, Open the database that you use with your forum then open the table FORUM_MEMBERS look for "Admin" and chenge it into whatever you want. Save and close the database. That's it!
ok, I'm assuming that my database is snitz_forums_2000.mdb. Like I said, I am new to this so I am not 100% sure. I opened that in notepad but am not sure where the FORUM_MEMBERS "table" is could you help me out?