I can add a poll by replying to a topic, it will create a new topic for the poll, not adding the poll to the reply.
For some reason, this doesn't seem right to me. I have this code in my forum.asp, but the add poll link doesn't show.
So what I have to do is create a topic - then reply adding the poll to create a new poll topic.
Any ideas??? Here's the part of the code where I think it is wrong in in forum.asp, not quite sure if the topic.asp is wrong for the way it works when replying???
<%'############### READ/WRITE ACCESS ###########################
if intPrivateForums < 11 or AdminAllowed = 1 then
if rsCStatus("CAT_STATUS") = 0 or rsFStatus("F_STATUS") = 0 then
if (AdminAllowed = 1) then %>
<a href="post.asp?method=Topic&FORUM_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("FORUM_ID")%>&CAT_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("CAT_ID")%>&Forum_Title=<% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("FORUM_Title"),"urlpath") %>"><img src="<%=strImageURL %>icon_folder_locked.gif" alt="Category Locked" height=15 width=15 border=0></a> <a href="post.asp?method=Topic&FORUM_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("FORUM_ID")%>&CAT_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("CAT_ID")%>&Forum_Title=<% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("FORUM_Title"),"urlpath") %>">New Topic</a>
<% ' #################### Poll Mod #####################
if (strUserPolls = "1") or (mlev = 4 or mlev = 3) then %>
<a href="post.asp?poll=1&method=Topic&FORUM_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("FORUM_ID")%>&CAT_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("CAT_ID")%>&Forum_Title=<% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("FORUM_Title"),"urlpath") %>"><img src="pin.gif" alt="Add Poll" height=15 width=15 border=0></a> <a href="post.asp?poll=1&method=Topic&FORUM_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("FORUM_ID")%>&CAT_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("CAT_ID")%>&Forum_Title=<% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("FORUM_Title"),"urlpath") %>">Add Poll</a>
<% end if
' ###################################################
else %>
<img src="<%=strImageURL %>icon_folder_locked.gif" alt="Category Locked" height=15 width=15 border=0> Category Locked
<% end if
if rsFStatus("F_STATUS") <> 0 then %>
<a href="post.asp?method=Topic&FORUM_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("FORUM_ID")%>&CAT_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("CAT_ID")%>&Forum_Title=<% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("FORUM_Title"),"urlpath") %>"><img src="<%=strImageURL %>icon_folder_new_topic.gif" alt="New Topic" height=15 width=15 border=0></a> <a href="post.asp?method=Topic&FORUM_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("FORUM_ID")%>&CAT_ID=<% =Request.QueryString("CAT_ID")%>&Forum_Title=<% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("FORUM_Title"),"urlpath") %>">New Topic</a>
<% else %>
<img src="<%=strImageURL %>icon_folder_locked.gif" alt="FORUM Locked" height=15 width=15 border=0> Forum Locked
<% end if
end if
end if%>