Carefree, Thanks for the fix and effort!
Unfortunately I'm still seeing 500 errors all the time:
ErrFile ErrLine ErrColumn ErrDescription
/active_users.asp 456 456 Invalid procedure call or argument: 'Mid'
So, I'm just printing the entire user agent string to the screen. I have had enough of these errors.
But, this next one is a bigger problem because my members really like the active user page and being able to see what page people are visiting.
Any idea what this error is. I just started seeing it.
ErrFile: /active_users.asp
ErrLine: 741
ErrDescription: Invalid column name 'eply'.
Here is the code. My line 741 is in red.
Case "post.asp"
strQuery = fQuery
fMethod = analyzeQuery(strQuery, "method")
If lCase(fMethod) = "topicquote" OR lCase(fMethod) = "replyquote" Then
fMethod = "reply"
End if
Select Case lCase(fMethod)
Case "reply"
strQuery = fQuery
fTopic_ID = analyzeQuery(strQuery, "TOPIC_ID")
strQuery = fQuery
fForum_ID = analyzeQuery(strQuery, "FORUM_ID")
If fTopic_ID = "" or fForum_ID = "" Then
strPage = fLang(strLangMOD_Ls3kAU_01270)
strSql = "SELECT T_SUBJECT FROM " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS WHERE TOPIC_ID=" & fTopic_ID
Set rst = my_conn.Execute(strSql)
If rst.EOF or rst.BOF Then
strPage = fLang(strLangMOD_Ls3kAU_01270)
fSubject = rst("T_SUBJECT")
If chkForumAccess(fForum_ID, MemberID, False) Then
strPage = fLang(strLangMOD_Ls3kAU_01340) & "<br><a href=""link.asp?TOPIC_ID=" & fTopic_ID & """>"
strPage = strPage & fSubject
strOnlineLocation = fLang(strLangMOD_Ls3kAU_01350)
End if
End if
Set rst = Nothing
End if