If it's a fresh install with 3.4.07 the issue in the thread RichardKinser posted should be resolved, so I think this is something else. I don't have the forum code in front of me right now though, so I can't check what might be wrong at the moment.
Im reading this and seeing how it could fix the prob if i was using a mysql connection string, but im using a DSN
ive been toying with the code and fount that if I wrap the the var that are type mismatch in Cint() (ex:default.asp line:829 User_Count = Cint(rs("U_COUNT"))) the page loads fine since it is no longer mis matched but i fear this will be an ongoing problem with alot of pages.
I checked the inc_create_forum_mysql.asp and its setting the tables up fine just not pulling it correctly?
Why not use a DSN-less (the connection string) connection instead? It will be less hassle for you. Our fix for this was to change the connection options to the database. With a DSN, all the connection settings are set on the server, which means you would need to ask your host to modify the DSN for you.
If you absolutely don't want to use another connection string or can't, your other option would be to make the same fix you just made, to every type mis-match error you come across in the forum.
agreed. Fortunately this mysql server is on my home computer so i could make the changes and now its wrking fine. but when i go live i will change the connection string to something DNS-less. thnx for the help