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The Zim
Junior Member

107 Posts

Posted - 06 May 2009 :  09:13:57  Show Profile  Visit The Zim's Homepage
I wasn't sure what to call it, lol.

I'm working on a site revamp as I've said elsewhere in the forums here, but I'm running into a few problems with the forums...

What I am trying to do, is put in a few graphics to replace the normal colors as backgrounds on my forums. I have edited the admin_config_colors.asp file, here is a link to a .txt version of it:

I have added new fields for these changes in my database. Here's the dbs file I made for this:

Zim's Image Mod

I have added these things after the list of dims in the config.asp file:

Dim strHeadCellImage, strCategoryCellImage, strForumFirstCellImage, strForumCellImage, strAltForumCellImage

Ok, well, I was going to add the error message that I get, but for some reason, these changes aren't being added to the database now or something... Last night when I was trying to do this, I was getting an error that pointed me to the inc_func_admin.asp file, line 56. I have made no modifications to this file.

I am currently only trying to edit the Pop-Up Table Color, making it into an image, just to test. I don't know if that's needed to get help, but oh well, lol.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, if anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it!

P.S. This is a little off-subject, but Carefree, I've noticed you using those text boxes throughout the site here, and I was wondering how you made them?

The Zim
Junior Member

107 Posts

Posted - 06 May 2009 :  09:16:51  Show Profile  Visit The Zim's Homepage
Well, I found one small error, I didn't add the Pop-Up string in the dim in the config.asp file. So now that line looks like this:

Dim strHeadCellImage, strCategoryCellImage, strForumFirstCellImage, strForumCellImage, strAltForumCellImage, strPopUpTableImage

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United States
5768 Posts

Posted - 06 May 2009 :  11:05:37  Show Profile  Visit AnonJr's Homepage
Originally posted by The Zim

P.S. This is a little off-subject, but Carefree, I've noticed you using those text boxes throughout the site here, and I was wondering how you made them?
Its a semi-hidden feature that's just on this forum (as in its not a part of a base install). use [scrollcode] instead of [code]
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The Zim
Junior Member

107 Posts

Posted - 06 May 2009 :  11:32:59  Show Profile  Visit The Zim's Homepage
Originally posted by AnonJr

Originally posted by The Zim

P.S. This is a little off-subject, but Carefree, I've noticed you using those text boxes throughout the site here, and I was wondering how you made them?
Its a semi-hidden feature that's just on this forum (as in its not a part of a base install). use [scrollcode] instead of [code]

Lol, cool, thx!

Edited by - The Zim on 06 May 2009 11:33:14
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