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Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 30 April 2009 :  08:37:53  Show Profile
I am vertually clueless as to how to start a forum. I checked the FAQs but I couldn't find a list of what you would need hardware & software. I am in the 'do I really want to do this stage'. A forum is just one option that would solve my problem. I see the forum as possibly cheaper and more flexable/expandable than the other options.

As with most ultra low budget operations, I will be strapped for funds and I am wondering if I could start up on a shoe string. I hope I am technical enough to launch such a project. I am OK with backends and I am hoping that might see me through. I would expect a slow growth curve so I will have the ability to learn on the job.

Advanced Member

4208 Posts

Posted - 30 April 2009 :  08:47:01  Show Profile
Basic forums can be run on Windows XP or later operating systems, server operating systems will run them more efficiently (allowing more simultaneous connections, etc.). You won't require any expenditure of funds, since this forum will run using an Access-based database (and you don't need Access to use it).
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Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 01 May 2009 :  07:39:36  Show Profile
OK, to run a version of this forum on a network I would only need to put it on a network server. How about an internet accessed forum. Would I need something like Tomcat?

Actually, the server software doesn't have all much to do with multi user access other than giving them access to the data. I would be worried using something as weak and primitive as Access without talking with someone real technical. I support an old Access app (98?), You often get contention with only 2 persons in the system. I didn't write the app so maybe you can explisitly lock a record and the programmer didn't take the trouble. I think the app uses 'optimistic locking'. You tend to get resorce contention if you have a few persons editing info since new stuff is always in the same segment. The Snitz programmers probably have done a better job.

I have been writing multiuser database apps for over 25 years. Unfortunatly, my experiance with back ends is mostly with expensive or no longer used back ends. I will probably opt to use a cheap SQL back end.

As much as I know about backends, I am pretty clueless as to how the internet gets involved.
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Advanced Member

4208 Posts

Posted - 01 May 2009 :  08:28:09  Show Profile
Any Windows server will support this forum, simply using IIS.
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United States
5768 Posts

Posted - 01 May 2009 :  08:53:00  Show Profile  Visit AnonJr's Homepage
Originally posted by oldtimer

OK, to run a version of this forum on a network I would only need to put it on a network server. How about an internet accessed forum. Would I need something like Tomcat?
As Carefree mentioned, for the basics all you need is a Windows server running IIS - which comes as a part of just about every Windows server.

While Carefree mentioned running a home server, I tend to recommend against it unless your ISP allows you and you know what you're doing. You can get decent Windows hosting on the cheap out there - for a low-traffic site you can find hosting for $10USD or less a month. Hosting discussions aren't allowed here, so I'll refrain from making suggestions. ran a poll recently asking its members to recommend hosts - find that article and you'll have a solid list of hosts to check.

Originally posted by oldtimer

Actually, the server software doesn't have all much to do with multi user access other than giving them access to the data. I would be worried using something as weak and primitive as Access without talking with someone real technical. I support an old Access app (98?), You often get contention with only 2 persons in the system. I didn't write the app so maybe you can explisitly lock a record and the programmer didn't take the trouble. I think the app uses 'optimistic locking'. You tend to get resorce contention if you have a few persons editing info since new stuff is always in the same segment. The Snitz programmers probably have done a better job.
The server is a factor in multi-user access, but that's another topic for another time. As far as using Access, for a low to moderately trafficked site, it will be o.k. Without inspecting the "Access App" you mention, I can't say for sure; but if you're getting issues with only 2 people using it I'd say it was either a programmer issue or a resource issue. But again, that's another subject for another day. In the end, there are several Snitz Forums out there running fine with Access - and being two.

Originally posted by oldtimer

I have been writing multiuser database apps for over 25 years. Unfortunatly, my experiance with back ends is mostly with expensive or no longer used back ends. I will probably opt to use a cheap SQL back end.

As much as I know about backends, I am pretty clueless as to how the internet gets involved.
If you're expecting moderate to high levels of traffic, or you know you're going to go there anyway, I tend to recommend using a MS SQL Server backend. If you own the server, or its an option with your hosting package, the free Express Edition is sufficient for moderate levels of traffic and gives you an easy upgrade path.

Edited by - AnonJr on 01 May 2009 08:53:53
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Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 07 May 2009 :  09:05:29  Show Profile
Thanks, for all the great info. I was steering towards My SQL but I am hoping to get hosted by a friend who is a MS Engineer. I am sitting on a one version behind current version of MS SQL Server I got for a review a MS product a year or so back.

As far as the Access problems, it was a lack of programming that was the issue. I believe it was a generated app and it uses segment locks instead of record locks. All the edit activity is in the last segment. I assume Snitz must use record level locks.

I had a single user app that used an access back end that moved to a SQL back end due to performance issues. The SQL version was maybe 20+ times faster for some processes.
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United States
5768 Posts

Posted - 07 May 2009 :  09:14:11  Show Profile  Visit AnonJr's Homepage
All things being equal, if you're going to run on a Windows Server, I tend to recommend using MS SQL Server - even if its one version behind.
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Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 12 May 2009 :  08:20:00  Show Profile
Thanks for the advice. I will take it.

I am not dedicated in having the latest and greatest just to have it. 9 out of 10 upgrades for a mature product really don't mean much to the average user. That said, you can't afford to be 10 upgrades behind.
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Support Moderator

6780 Posts

Posted - 12 May 2009 :  08:24:36  Show Profile
Originally posted by oldtimer
9 out of 10 upgrades for a mature product really don't mean much to the average user.
Be careful not to use that train of thought for Snitz itself; every update we release includes critical security fixes.

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Doug G
Support Moderator

6493 Posts

Posted - 13 May 2009 :  00:00:24  Show Profile
fyi XP Home and Vista Home don't include IIS.

Doug G
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Snitz Forums Admin

26364 Posts

Posted - 13 May 2009 :  13:38:02  Show Profile  Send ruirib a Yahoo! Message
Vista Home Premium does include IIS.

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