I am not live yet but testing. It seems when certain test users post they get a 404 error bad request. It seems IE 6 and other browsers can not handle a "-1" in the address area (url)
Hence they get a 404 error. I wondering how to get rid of the -1
Right now I have to test on a non-standard port so besides the negative -1 I wonder if something else is going on? In the forum configuration the home url and forum url are both set to http://server.gogreen.net:4111/
To fix this I have tried the following. 1. used topic.asp from the very lastest release. 2. Put in the Clang fix and the & fix.
Any ideas for something else to try would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
Thanks for the quick reply. I am running IIS 5.0 I also tried it on IIS 6.0. Same problem. I use IIS 6.0 in dev and IIS 5.0 in production. I am not live yet that is why you don't see it on the web. I am hosting my forum with windows any apache server in my domain has a redirect to a windows box.
What is interesting is when I post with internet explorer 6.0 to this forum forum.snitz.com I get the same 404 error. I know IE 6 is old but it still has millions of users. This is IE 6 SP2.
Thanks for your help. Agreed, with your help..I am thinking now it's not the -1. I was looking at this because when I changed the negative -1 to 1 or a positive number the url worked....but failed when I changed it back to -1 again. Since other people have IE 6 working this might be my personal configuration problem within internet explorer and thus not a forum problem. If I find anything I will report back here. I was wrong about other browsers.. I installed the latest chrome and firefox on that same computer and both work fine. So this is something IE related...I just have not found the needle in the haystack quite yet.
I think I found the problem but can't prove it 100%. At my office we use the Squid proxy server for all our browsers. It's the only way to reach the internet. Looking deeper into the problem I think it is the interaction between IE 6 and the Squid proxy server that causes the error. Maybe something is configured wrong on the proxy. I am closing out this issue on the basis it is not forum code which is causing this and on the basis I too now have IE 6 working in other environments.