Snitz allows a direct link to a new topic. Is there a way for this link to "pre fill" the subject heading? So when user clicks a link they'd automatically see a new topic page with subject already filled in
What did you plan to use for the auto-filled subject?
Example: Based on a hyperlink in a message, on a hyperlink which is static (unchanging), on the user's name, on the date, etc....
If using a static hyperlink, you could do something like this:
For the link: (replace the italicized text with your desired subject)
Response.Write "<a href=""" & ForumID & "&Subject=" & (your subject) & "' >New Topic</a>" & vbNewLine
For post.asp
Immediately after this routine:
if strRqMethod = "Category" or _
strRqMethod = "EditCategory" or _
strRqMethod = "URL" or _
strRqMethod = "EditURL" or _
strRqMethod = "Forum" or _
strRqMethod = "EditForum" or _
strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or _
strRqMethod = "Topic" then
insert the following:
if not isNull(Request.Querystring("Subject")) then
TxtSub = (Request.Querystring("Subject"))
end if
I have a website with movie reviews so I'd want the auto-filled subject to be equal to the name of the movie. The name is dynamic but I should be able to incorporate that into the code.