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 Problem with admin_passreset.asp
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Posted - 22 April 2009 :  13:48:12  Show Profile
I am trying to get access to an old unused forum using admin_passreset.asp because the former admin left and no one knows the password.

I unzipped the file and uploaded it to the main forum directory, the same directory as admin_login.asp and all the other asp files.

When I try run the asp file by typing it into a browser, I get 404 File not Found. The file IS there - no doubt about it, I can see it and download it using FTP. I am not spelling it wrong.

When I type in <forumname>.com/admin_login.asp I get the admin login page no problem. The same for other asp pages - they all work.

Any idea why this would be happening? Our IT guy is so busy I have a hard time getting 5 minutes in a row from him on this.....

File permissions are the same as admin_login.asp, there is code in the admin_passreset.asp file (not a blank file), all other forum files seem to be working (threads, display, search etc.).

I have full access to the directories and SQL database. Can anyone help me out here?

We tried to modify the SQL table to add an admin but our IT guy had about 45 seconds to work with me and when it did not immediately work he had to jump to something else. Low priority sucks!

I would like to save / suspend this forum for future use and not just kill it, since it works fine and the database is setup and working.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Snitz Forums Admin

26364 Posts

Posted - 22 April 2009 :  14:41:24  Show Profile  Send ruirib a Yahoo! Message
I really don't see why that would happen. If you feel like it, you can even change its name and try it like that.

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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 22 April 2009 :  14:55:44  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
it may be thatthe file does not have the correct permissions, I have copied files into an existing directory before and sometimes the permissions do not get cascaded correctly, so make sure the IUSR account has access to the file
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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 22 April 2009 :  15:35:28  Show Profile
I just found out that I was given FTP access to a TEST server - not the live forum server. That explains the 404 File Not Found - I thought I was going nuts!

Thanks for the help.
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 22 April 2009 :  17:02:37  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
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