Goal: Add page number to Title tag if more than one page exists.
File: inc_func_common.asp
- Function: Function GetNewTitle(strTempScriptName)
- - - Case: Case "topic.asp"
Affect: strForumTitle (forum wide)
Original Code:Select Case strTempScript
Case "topic.asp"
strTempTopic = cLng(request.querystring("TOPIC_ID"))
if strTempTopic <> 0 then
strsql = "SELECT FORUM_ID, T_SUBJECT FROM " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS WHERE TOPIC_ID=" & strTempTopic
set ttopics = my_conn.execute(strsql)
if ttopics.bof or ttopics.eof then
GetNewTitle = strForumTitle
set ttopics = nothing
if mLev = 4 then
ForumChkSkipAllowed = 1
elseif mLev = 3 then
if chkForumModerator(ttopics("FORUM_ID"), ChkString(strDBNTUserName, "decode")) = "1" then
ForumChkSkipAllowed = 1
ForumChkSkipAllowed = 0
end if
ForumChkSkipAllowed = 0
end if
intShowTopicTitle = 1
if strPrivateForums = "1" and ForumChkSkipAllowed = 0 then
if not(chkForumAccess(ttopics("FORUM_ID"),MemberID,false)) then
intShowTopicTitle = 0
end if
end if
if intShowTopicTitle = 1 then strTempTopicTitle = " - " & chkString(ttopics("T_SUBJECT"),"display")
set ttopics = nothing
strNewTitle = strForumTitle & strTempTopicTitle
end if
GetNewTitle = strForumTitle
end if
Modified Code:
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