I haven't made any modifications other than translating some of the text. Replacing the files with the original made no difference unless the translated file made a wrong entry in the database.
BTW: I noticed this:
if IsTopic = 1 Then
Response.Write "<a href=""" & Forum_Link & """ target=""_blank"">" & getCurrentIcon(strIconComplaintTopic,"Ga naar het topic waarover geklaagd wordt","align=""absmiddle"" hspace=""6""") & "</a>"
Response.Write "<a href=""" & Post_Link & """>" & getCurrentIcon(strIconComplaintReply,"Toon bericht waarover geklaagd wordt","align=""absmiddle"" hspace=""6""") & "</a>"
End If
"Complaint about topic", is that something from the past?
Complaining about both original post and reply give the same response, the second line.
Can the error come from the modification in topic.asp? Putting the link in the messages toke some work.<