Not really a bug, but it got to me. This just changes members to member when there is only one pending member. I understand if you choose not to fix this.
line 432 inc_header.asp
if mLev = 4 and (strEmailVal = "1" and strRestrictReg = "1" and strEmail = "1" and User_Count > 0) then Response.Write(" | <a href=""admin_accounts_pending.asp""" & dWStatus("(" & User_Count & ") Member(s) awaiting approval") & " tabindex=""-1"">(" & User_Count & ") Member(s) awaiting approval</a>")
if mLev = 4 and (strEmailVal = "1" and strRestrictReg = "1" and strEmail = "1" and User_Count > 0) then
Response.Write " | <a href=""admin_accounts_pending.asp""" & dWStatus("(" & User_Count & ") Member(s) awaiting approval") & " tabindex=""-1"">(" & User_Count & ") Member"
if User_Count > 1 then Response.Write "s"
Response.Write " awaiting approval</a>"
end if