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Posted - 16 April 2008 : 08:11:28
This has been working great so far on the sites I've implemented on so cheers for the help there, guys 
I'm revisiting how I handle bullets though, in order to try and get rid of a minor niggle that's been annoying me and that's the need to have an empty line at between the end of a list and any subsequent text, if the list isn't at the end of the string.
To recap, the RegEx I'm using for the list is:
(\[(bullet)\][\s\S]+?\[/\2\])(\s{3,}|\n{2,}|$) <ul>$1</ul>
And for the individual list items it's:
\[(bullet)\](.+?)\[/\1\] <li>$2</li>
Like I said, it's only a minor thing and nothing I'm going to lose too much sleep over but, if there's some way of getting rid of that extra line break, it'll bring a wee smile to my tired face 
Search is your friend “I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.” |