I have an xml website but am having trouble with spam in my guestbook. I have realised that the only way to stop it is to have a banned word filter that would ignore any posts with spam words in them.
Is there anybody out there who knows how to write an xml mod? I haven't got a clue.
Regular Expressions (Snitz topic on it right now) But you want something that will delete messages before they reach you. Like inc_func_common.asp 92-101
for Counter = 0 to UBound(strArray)
If InStr(UCase(strArray(Counter)), "SPAMMY") > 0 and _
InStr(UCase(strArray(Counter)), "WORDS") > 0 and _
InStr(UCase(strArray(Counter)), "HERE") > 0 then
'delete message
end if
XSL (link:wikipedia) is for styling the output of the XML file. From what I gather an ASP file inputs the comment into the XML file. If so, just before the comment is inserted is where you should stop the spam, but I'd have to see the code to know how everything fits together.
phy1729, I think I've found the file you are referring to, it contains the following code
if sItemName = "visible" and blnCAPTCHAcodeCorrect = false and URLDecode(oFO.Form("file")) = "guestbook" then sItemValue = "Off" m_iUserMessage = ERR_FILL_FORM m_sGoBack = "1" exit sub end if
Could this be where I need to add a delete spam mod?
I don't think so. You want right before the message is written to the xml file. It would be easier if I had the entire file.Is there some reason that you can do that?
I don't know the first thing about coding in xml or asp. Do you want me to post a link to the code in a text file? I'll have a look but there are about 3 files that could be the one.