The problem is you're just not searching with the right syntax, you need to use the contains() with it's parameters set - it is very powerful searching once you get to grips with it and learn how it works - I used it to replace a hugely expensive (and complex) patents searching tool with our own homebrew one in a few days - searching thousands of patents every week with varying terms in mere seconds (this was quite a big deal back in 1998!)
My apologies, I don't have a setup to test on any more - if it's not working, then I guess it's not working and you may have to go back to the LIKE operator if you want to search short character sequences within search terms. I guess the FT engine doesn't work by indexing all the substring permutations of a table!
No need to apologize, just wanted to make sure, if I'm missing something, but throughout various searches I made through Google, I found out, what I ask is not possible unless I use LIKE operator.
Even google can not find Microsoft from search "icrosoft" :)