I didn't notice this for a couple of days. When my user log in and click the log in button they get this message
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e57'
String or binary data would be truncated.
/default/inc_func_common.asp, line 844
I've tried to figure it out, but I can't. If they go back to the site by typing in the domain address, it shows them as logged in. But, if they use the "back" button they get a message warning them that this page has expired. PLEASE HELP!! I'm desperate.
Search is your friend “I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.”
Search is your friend “I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.”