You need to either add it to the querystring or drop a cookie.
Something like this
dim defaultvalue, tmpValue1, tmpValue2, dropdownvalue, iperpage
defaultvalue = 3
iperpage = "&iperpage="
If Trim(Request.form("dropdownlist")) <> "" Then
tmpValue1 = cLng(Request.Form("dropdownlist")) 'Retrieve selected value from dropdownlist
tmpValue1 = ""
End if
If Trim(Request.Querystring("items")) <> "" Then
tmpValue2 = cLng(Request.QueryString("items")) 'Retrieve selected value from querystring
tmpValue2 = ""
End if
if tmpValue1 = "" then
if tmpValue2 = "" then
dropdownvalue = defaultvalue
dropdownvalue = tmpValue2
end if
dropdownvalue = tmpValue1
end if
iperpage = iperpage & dropdownvalue
rs.PageSize = dropdownvalue
The select isn't working right either
<form name="dropdown" action="default.asp?cid=<%=request.QueryString("cid")%>" method="post">
<input type = "hidden" name="selectedvalue" value="<%=dropdownvalue%>">
<font color="#000000">Products per Page: </font>
<select name="dropdownlist">
<option <%=chkSelect(dropdownvalue,3)%> value="3">3</option>
<option <%=chkSelect(dropdownvalue,5)%> value="5">5</option>
<option <%=chkSelect(dropdownvalue,10)%> value="10">10</option>
<option <%=chkSelect(dropdownvalue,15)%> value="15">15</option>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Go">
function chkSelect(select,value)
if select = value then
tmpSelect = "selected"
tmpSelect = ""
end if
chkSelect = tempselect
end function
Add to querystrings in your NavBlock function
response.write ("<a href=""default.asp?cid=" & request.QueryString("cid")& iperpage & "&PageNo=" & Prev5 & """>