just by looking there are 3 strConnString's uncommentted whcih will mess things up? looke liek he needs to comment out 2 of them lines and get the correct db path
The database could not be opened !! Check your config.asp file and set the strConnString so it points to the database. Also check if strDBType is set to the right databasetype.
The database could not be opened !! Check your config.asp file and set the strConnString so it points to the database. Also check if strDBType is set to the right databasetype.
Code : 80004005
Error Description : 'C:\domains\edukat.org\wwwroot\MEDAEMHCO\www.edukat.org\sf2k_v34_06\db\snitz_forums_2000.mdb' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.
in the snitz download (sf2k_v34_06.zip) there is another zip called tools.zip, open this and there is a file called whereami.asp uplaod thsi to your root folder and run it in the browser, thsi shoudl give u the path to the database
The whereami.asp page doesn't go in the connection string - you type in the URL to the whereami.asp page in your browser and use the connection string it tells you to use.
Also, you're going to want to change the name of the database to something other than "snitz_forums_2000.mdb" - and don't tell anyone what you re-named it to.