Does anyone use a wiki asp script? I am considering making a wiki website geared towards a certain "category" and was wondering if you currently use one or know of one to recommend. Thank you!
Well, I am currently planning a wiki and was thinking about modifying snitz for it, like I did with the Blog I built. But if you found anything please share :)
If you have PHP available your horizons become much broader. I have a linux server with MediaWiki for internal wiki use. Dokuwiki is good non-db based php wiki and there are probably 50-100 other php wiki apps, most free. MediaWiki runs on my Windows-based hosting company servers, since they kindly offer PHP on their W2003 shared hosting accounts.
I don't use any of the asp wikis but if you can use .net (seeing how you have IIS), check out wiki or I don't think ASP is well-suited for wiki-behavior.