I have been put incharge of a forum after it was all up and has been ok for a few years. Around the end of last year we started getting hit with bots that want to add "spam" to the forum and just mess it up. I'm have been looking around a little and see that here is a more up to date version of the form and also a mod add-on thing to help stop bots from registering. Is there any thing I can do to cut out these bots things? I would need some help to do any installing. Like I said I didn't do the first install. Thanks Bonnie
If you will use the search function and search for spam or bots you will find thousands of post about this. You can also look into installing mods you can find those over at snitzbitz and also in the mod forum w/code.
use the search feature and try out some of the mods and if you run into trouble post back here and people will be happy to help out.
The first step to cutting down spam is to enable e-mail validation. That will at least contain all their accounts as pending members as most bots use e-mail addresses that don't validate.
There are a number of different things you can do to further thwart them. Some quality time with the search page will turn up an amazing number of topics outlining all sorts of means. I posted a short list to someone else looking for the same thing a day or two ago. I may have to put together a more extensive list and see if someone will sticky it since so many people are looking for this information...
Edit: I should add that using the most up to date code is always a good thing, and I highly recommend that you update the software if you haven't already.