Ok, I figured this would be reasonably simple, so gave it a go. As long as the dates and times are displayed using the chkDate and chkTime functions, then this will work.
This is only a trial, and stores the value in your cookie, but needs a db field added really.
Changes required.
add this to the end of the Dim statements
Dim strLocalTimeAdjust
add this code
strLocalTimeAdjust = request.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("strLocalTimeAdjust")
if strLocalTimeAdjust = "" then
strLocalTimeAdjust = 0
response.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("strLocalTimeAdjust") = strLocalTimeAdjust
end if
after the
select case Request.Form("Method_Type")
end select
look for the function chkDate(fDate) and add
fDate = DateToStr(DateAdd("h", strLocalTimeAdjust , strToDate(fDate)))
above the select case strDateType line
look for the function chkTime(fTime) and add
fTime = DateToStr(DateAdd("h", strLocalTimeAdjust , strToDate(fTime)))
above the if strTimeType = 12 then line
look for
<% end if
end if
if strFullName = "1" then
and replace it with
<% end if
end if
<td bgColor="<% =strPopUpTableColor %>" align=right nowrap valign=top><b><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>">Date/Time Adjust: </font></b></td>
<td bgColor="<% =strPopUpTableColor %>"><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>"><input type="text" name="localTime" value="<%= strLocalTimeAdjust %>"></font></td>
if strFullName = "1" then
look for the two update queries that start
strSql = "UPDATE " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS "
scroll down until you find the my_conn.execute statement for the query, and add
response.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("strLocalTimeAdjust") = request.Form("localTime") imediately after the execute line.
look for the INSERT INTO query, and scroll down till you find it's my_conn.execute and add
response.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("strLocalTimeAdjust") = request.Form("localTime") on the line after it.
Well that should be it. let me know if you get any problems.