I am moving from a windows based server to a unix based server and I am starting my databases over fresh and clean, so no coverting from Access to mysql. My question is will have have to start fresh or can I just move my current forum with the mods I have to the new server.
You do realize that Snitz Forums is coded in vbscript, which is only supported on Windows, right? You do also realize that there are much better performing free forum software out there that runs on Unix type servers, right?
I would only run an ASP forum on a Unix server as a last resort. You will have problems, mainly with mods and in a small part, with the forum itself.
If you have no other choice, then be prepared for a rocky time with your forum.
I didn't realize that snitz forums was coded in vbscript. My mistake. I went and I found some php forums that run on Unix. I have enjoyed the snitz forums and I will be using this again when I move to windows again.